Burner is Smoking bad


New member
I have a Landa Commdo. About 2 years old. Now what has happen is when I run the hot water it comes on good and clean but, when the temp reachs the point to shut off it smokes bad. I look down in the coils and can see flames at the bottom of the burner. So I change the filter and the nozzle. But still flames and smokes bad. Should I pull the coils and clean them?
I talked the the repair guy said the solenoid could be sticking.
It starts off grey then to black.
nope, but I will give it a shot
Could be the blower fan missing a few fins ... This happened to me.. You may also have the bands on the burner out of adjustment.. Or your blower motor could be going bad.. Also check your diesel fuel filter.. If all this fails , pull the burner and check the diesel fuel nozzle and make sure its no clogged, check the angle of your ignitors as well ..
Well we have all been there at some point have'nt we?

It turns off and then smokes? If so solenoid sounds like a good guess - The diesel shoots out and vaporizes - grey smoke - then lights on fire - black smoke. Since it runs ok up to that point it sounds like the hardware - fan, nozzle, coils etc - is in working order. The solenoid should make a pretty good 'click' when it shuts off.
I will check to see if I can hear the solenoid going off. Thank you. Iam doing 28,500 sq. ft of sidewalks in a condo units. They just added the tennis court. Iam running whirlway on the hot and on the cold. What a diffence using the heat.