Brick restoration

Mike Hughes

Former Board Administrator
Do I need to get into nasty acids to restore a building like this properly??

What chemicals would you recommend?


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Contact ProSoCo (SureKleen), have a rep come out and he'll be happy to do a test. Their chems are great and you can restore that building to like new again. Though it will cost the owner some bucks.

The zipster
I just replied to your e-mail about this Mike. You need to look at Diedrich instead of SureKleen. SureKleen is ok for some things, but with restoration work Diedrich is the leader, especially with this kind of brick. Brick restoration is the bulk of what we do and we've never had a problem with Diedrich versus numerous problems with SureKleen products.
Dose Diedrich have a web sight??? All I can find is a coffee house I ordered a couple pounds and will let you know if it was worth the price.
Sorry, but our experiences have been just the opposite. ProSoCo has alweay come through, Diedrich didn't. See attached photos (before and after)


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after photo of same property


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Mike, I will say Zippo's pics speak for themselve's I know prosoco's products and when it comes to brick...they know what to do how to do it and what to use so give them a try.

Prosoco's SureKleen is great for some things, but in this case it's simply not the best product for this particular job. Yeah Zippo those b & a shots are great, but where is the yellow brick in your picture and how does that help Mike with his yellow brick cleaning job? Diedrich 101 and 101G are both great on black encrustation carbon buildup on yellow brick restoration cleanings. We've got a ton of yellow brick properties here in Pittsburgh with heavy carbon encrustation from the old steel mills and my company cleaned a bunch of them with Diedrich. We've got a bunch more coming up this year to do and we're using Diedrich again. Everything from hi-rise apartment buildings to residential homes.

I'm not trying to bad mouth Prosoco, I just don't think they have the best product for this particular application.
Prosoco has many other products . Sureklean is only recommended for the cleaning of new masonry surfaces to remove excess mortar. Sureklean wouldn't touch this but they do make other chems that will do the job.
My fault sureklean is the name they use for their restoration cleaners just different # I was thinking you were speaking of sureklean detergent 600 which is the masonry cleaner just differences of opinion on products to use thats what makes the world go round :) but I feel the idea above to gather samples of at least 2 - 4 different products and see which one gives the desired result is a most excellent idea.

Mike, left you a message on another board also. I agree with all comments above - believe both companies have vg products. However, I give the nod to Jim Diedriech when it comes to one-on-one problem - solving assistance. The guy even helped me try to solve a problem last year that did not involve his products.