Brainless People

Does anybody Else think this world has gone MAD? and getting worse. Today at a Walmart in Long Island they Broke the doors down to get to all these so called BARGINS and killed a 34 year old worker manning the doors and while the cops were trying to give the guy CPR they were running over the Cops. I just don't get Morons in this country anymore, what has happend to us as a People? Then they shut the store down to take care of this guy and all the people could do is BITCH about being in line for hours to buy the cheap crap on sale and never gave killing this guy another thought.

What has happend to us and where are we going? We are DOOMED...... Here is a link to the story and look at the photo gallery from the store camaras and see what a mess it was.
I hope they review the tape and charge everybody whose foot touched the man with accessory to murder. I think they should also charge the entire crowd with breaking and entering too. There is absolutely NO excuse for what happened. This will NOT be the last we hear of this story...
I hope they review the tape and charge everybody whose foot touched the man with accessory to murder. I think they should also charge the entire crowd with breaking and entering too. There is absolutely NO excuse for what happened. This will NOT be the last we hear of this story...

This will be the last we hear of the crowd in this story.

The crowd was almost completely black. It wouldn't be politically correct to blame them for anything, after all, somebody in their family may have been a slave over 100 years ago.

What we will hear from now own is how it's all Walmart's fault.
That is absolutely insane and this poor guy lost his life over it. Where are all these people getting all this money to spend on shopping anyway? I hope someone gets charged with this but like you said Tony, they will blame it all on Wally World.
They are animals with no concern for life, then you have the Toy's R Us shooting in L.A. over a toy. Now i have to carry to go Christmas shopping.

This is a fine world we have created, when people can be trampled to death and no one gives it a second thought. I think i saw Jesse Jackson pushing Al Sharpton into Obama's mama.
I've been to concerts and seen people get trampled & crushed, never saw anyone get killed. They should of had much better security. They want thousands of people to line up for hours so they can make millions in a few hours and just have a few security controlling the crowd. Damn right Walmart is part of the fault for that employee getting killed. If I have extremly unsafe working conditions I can still be sued, even if i have Workers Comp. Walmart created the unsafe conditions they should be responsible for the injuries and the death. Black Friday is crazy why dont they make the sale all weekend to reduce the crowds.

The people are at fault too, but some of them probably never even saw it until it was to late. People are animals and they knew they would be. They screwed up not having crowd control, screw them

Dont tell me if you or one of your family members got killed or even just hurt real bad, you wouldnt be blaming Walmart. 95% of you would be sueing them too
Does anybody Else think this world has gone MAD? and getting worse. Today at a Walmart in Long Island they Broke the doors down to get to all these so called BARGINS and killed a 34 year old worker manning the doors and while the cops were trying to give the guy CPR they were running over the Cops. I just don't get Morons in this country anymore, what has happend to us as a People? Then they shut the store down to take care of this guy and all the people could do is BITCH about being in line for hours to buy the cheap crap on sale and never gave killing this guy another thought.

What has happend to us and where are we going? We are DOOMED...... Here is a link to the story and look at the photo gallery from the store camaras and see what a mess it was.

DOOMED, hope not, but sure feels like it often. I think it has to do with single parents, drugs, no one home to take care of the kids etc etc. We are growing monsters in this world. Ever watch Lock Up on MSNBC, there are animals in our prisons and its not just a few theres hundreds of thousands of them and most get out sooner than later
DOOMED, hope not, but sure feels like it often. I think it has to do with single parents, drugs, no one home to take care of the kids etc etc. We are growing monsters in this world. Ever watch Lock Up on MSNBC, there are animals in our prisons and its not just a few theres hundreds of thousands of them and most get out sooner than later

I am a single parent of 2 boys, I WOULD NOT DO SOMTHING LIKE THAT :mad: nor my kids.
It is a sad story, and I do agree with Jeff. Partially it's Wal-Marts and the Police fault I think. Did you see that crowd in those pictures? They should of refused to open under those conditions, you could see it a mile away that all those people would start rushing.

I can almost guarantee that nobody will get charged with anything. Reason? You can't tell who pushed who, heck, when you got a thousand people pushing you from behind, you're gonna go forward, wether you like it or not.
Actually the crowd broke the door down. They took it off the hinges
This will be the last we hear of the crowd in this story.

The crowd was almost completely black. It wouldn't be politically correct to blame them for anything, after all, somebody in their family may have been a slave over 100 years ago.

What we will hear from now own is how it's all Walmart's fault.

Walmart is partially to blame.As owners of a private property they should have provided the needed security to handle a crowd of 2000+ people who started lining up at 9pm the night before.
As for the savages whom they can ID,prosecute them.Lock some of these fools up and watch how fast retailers stop the 5AM door buster sales and how people start acting like they have a sense of decorum,manners and human decency.
This is the very reason I dislike the christmas season.It's over commercialized and people will put things above live itself.
Actually the crowd broke the door down. They took it off the hinges

Exactly. That is why they should review the security videos, and prosecute the hooligans! I do agree though, that Wal-Mart is partially responsible.
I've been to concerts and seen people get trampled & crushed, never saw anyone get killed. They should of had much better security. They want thousands of people to line up for hours so they can make millions in a few hours and just have a few security controlling the crowd. Damn right Walmart is part of the fault for that employee getting killed. If I have extremly unsafe working conditions I can still be sued, even if i have Workers Comp. Walmart created the unsafe conditions they should be responsible for the injuries and the death. Black Friday is crazy why dont they make the sale all weekend to reduce the crowds.

The people are at fault too, but some of them probably never even saw it until it was to late. People are animals and they knew they would be. They screwed up not having crowd control, screw them

Dont tell me if you or one of your family members got killed or even just hurt real bad, you wouldnt be blaming Walmart. 95% of you would be sueing them too

I agree with Jeff on this one :)
I do have to wonder.... Most Walmarts are open 24 hours a day 365 days a year...... why was it closed? I hope they do find all the people and prosicute them for crushing that poor guy!
Well they did break in or should I say Crush the door, they said it look like an accordion and I mean the frame too, but Wally World needs to step up too. Look at the pics on that link one of the pics has a Sign that says BLITZ LINE STATS HERE,Now they did just as the sign says and it is sad to see.

This world has gone mad, I dealt with all the Trash last night from Black Friday and it was Everywhere and I done mean Everywhere.

I stay away from these sales it is just not worth my time to get mad or run over for a few bucks or get shot like I hear happend now. Sad, Very Sad they way things seem to be heading.