boat docks

All sealers used around water must be water based, not oil based.

You also face EPA concerns from your run off water from would probably not be able to use most stripping chemicals, so they dont get in the water.
No chemicals must be used to clean the docks, if chemicals are needed you must have the docks removed. When sealing only water base products must be used. When treating them use a painters pad when apply wood preserative, and have someone in the water catching runoff with a tarp or cardboard. When I do docks I contact the DNR and tell them what and how I am doing it, and ask for a letter saying it is oky for me to do this way. So if another DNR person comes up to me I show them the letter and everthing is cool. Lastly use cold water to clean. Good Luck

ron p

if the docks are PT wood and most are, you are going to damage the inviroment. You washing CCA treated wood pulp into the water, not that simple rain has'nt allready.
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