
How do you get your name on the list ? I would like to receive an issue I have heard good things, thanks for any info.

The magazines have been mailed, and folks should start getting them this week.

Hey John from Clean County, whats this about CABIN FEVER, you sick or something man!

What I love about beautiful So. Calif. even when we have liquid sunshine (rain) it is still nice. No I don't work in it but if I am on a job I will finish it before shutting down. (it has happened twice)
Hey Jon,
Pretty funny. Cabin fever is a section on Mike H. bb. I am shutting down the week of Dec. 8th. Then I won't start up again untill the end of March so hence Cabin fever. The down fall of living on the eastern coast. But nice for the body to get rejuvinated.

Having 2 jobs I get burnt out anyway. I could use the rest because who knows maybe if the right account comes along I could be doing both jobs year round. If that happens then I will retire from my other job because life is to short to be working all the time even though the money is good.

Enjoy the sun as I will enjoy the sleigh riding soon with my kids.

John :)
Blast Master Magazine

We received our magazine today.

"Beth Borrego your articles are wonderful!!" Thank you for the entertainment and the enlightenment.

"Mike Hughes your article on Gutter Cleaning as an add-on was great!!

I'm going to stop there. I don't want to spoil the many pleasant surprises in store for everyone who reads this publication.

I would like to offer hearty congratulations to Lee Perkins and her staff on the fine job they performed on this, their first edition! You really found some exciting people who are Giants in our industry!

Thank you, Larry! Glad you enjoyed them.

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I can't wait to get my mags. I wonder if all the problems we have had here in NY as of late is causing us to get our mail later?

How does this magazine compare to Cleaner Times? I guess I'll know once I get it. Looking forwards to reading the articles by Beth and Mike H.

Blast Master Magazine


You are most welcome! However it is I who should be thanking you for the professionalism that you bring to our industry.


We have found that much of our mail has been delayed. Some of it is taking up to 3 weeks where it originally took only 3-4 days. Hang in there it will be worth the wait.


I promise not to spoil it for you!:) :)
I'll bet if the lady does sing that it isn't the Blues.
Thanks Larry, I do try to be professional. There is this big kid inside who does come out from time to time though. I guess you could say I try to respond to posts with the spirit they call for.

I sang as a kid (not the blues). As an adult I dance. Rod and I like to hit the floor on Saturday nights. We are just finishing up Hustle lessons. Next come some basic ballroom: Mambo, Cha Cha, Tango, etc.. Then on to West Coast Swing, which we reaaaally want to learn.

We'll be headed out tomorrow night. :) WOOOHOO!!!!

Beth :cool: