Blastmaster Posted a free ad!!

The magazine looks great, the ad looks great too!


I thought the artwork was good, but the overall quality of the magazine is poor. Cleaner Times uses far better paper, and better ink, and controls overall quality very well.

In fact, if it weren't for the content, I'd say it is the cheapest, cruddiest magazine I have ever seen. Way too many ink variations, some areas light, some dark, pityful. Hopefully, if people can get past that for the start, some revenues will come in and allow significant process upgrades.
Hi Tony,

I see your points. I encourage you to email Lee about it. All feedback is welcome.

I'm glad to hear you find the content to be good. About the only thing I can say about the paper and ink quality is that it comes down to printing 4 color on newsprint vs. glossy stock. Glossy is more expensive. Blastmaster is two issues young.
Glossy is a good goal to aim for.

i have talked with her about that , i think they like the way it looks. she even told me that the other style is not much more of a cost.

i would e-mail your comments, i too like the paper on cleaner times better. the content i still have to say they both have things too say.

my opinion stands and will not change i support anyone or anything that supports PW in a positive manner.
Beth & Ron,

I absolutely support the efforts everyone has put into offering another media form that helps and supports people in our trade. In no way do I mean my prior comments to offend anybody. I realize that the mag is in an infant state, and can only stand to improve, as time goes by.

I guess I was just a little shocked to see the presentation after being used to typical magazine formats. It came across to me as some sort of underground newspaper, not the professional appearance that I think it should have. Of course everyone has their own ideas and opinions on this.

Beth, I really enjoyed reading your article, and appreciate the time you take to share your knowledge and experiences. I'm not sure that many other trades can boast the camraderie that the folks in our industry have shown. I have learned more in the past several months, then I probably did the past several years on my own.
I have no problem with the way the Blastmaster Mag looks. It has the look somewhat of my Newspaper which I like.

I'm sure down the road when the advertising revenues build up this mag will look like all the others with every other page dedicated to advertising.

This is why I like this look that this Mag. has now. It has that real hardcore look where you get what you want out of it which is NEWS about our Industry.

Just my two cents worth.

Hi Tony & Ron,
No offense taken. :)

Hey Ron, I agree that it is important to have as many sources, magazines, etc., and as much information out there as possible. That's why I'm writing. As much as it's a hobby that I enjoy, it also very much about helping others to grow and to achieve goals. If we all help each other, imagine the mindshare and the success! There is enough business out there for all of us. No doubt about it.

Hey Tony, don't sweat it. You didn't offend me at all. I understood the context of the comment as being one regarding the cosmetic appearance of magazine. I believe there is always room for improvement. Nothing/no one is perfect. I'm glad you enjoyed the article. You'll see more.... two in the issue that is in the mail now. I hope they pass muster.

Anyone who wants to email me with questions or ideas for future articles is welcome and encouraged to do so. I'm going to be using the ideas submitted by readers for upcoming articles and the questions in perhaps a question and answer column.


Tony, I wasn’t picking on you with my comment about support. LOL just stating that I do support anyone no matter how bad his or her layout is. I see that blastmaster is trying to give us a choice. I appreciate what they are doing.

Like everything competition will improve cleanertimes to strive to stay on top as well as maybe someone else will get into the market and even do it better. This is good for all of us, we reap the benefits of having a choice.

Just like this BBS, look at the changes in other BBS since the conception of this one. Many changes have occurred in all BBS. Delcos site has actually gotten busier in the last few months. Some sites are opening up more and allowing things that they once did not allow.

We have a positive site here and the Blastmaster mag will make a huge impact in the way others will do business. If we had no competition we would run our business different. Wouldn’t we?

I think we will see positive changes in both magazines.
We are new and developing...

BlastMaster Magazine is new and we are definitely trying to improve in all aspects of the magazine.

I appreciate all the advise and comments about BlastMaster. Our number one priority is to provide the best information and resources to the contract cleaner.

I am grateful to all the contract cleaners that have taken the time to write and submit articles to BlastMaster Magazine. Beth, Scott, Dan, John and Mike...I can't thank you enough.

I am always available to speak with or email anyone that has any comments they would like to share about BlastMaster Magazine. I feel that with every issue, we are improving. Everything in life and business is a trial and error...we are definitely not the exception. It would be wonderful to be able to produce a polished and perfected magazine of the caliber that Tony (Aplus) would like to see....and maybe in time we will get there. Until then, I hope that he and all our other readers will support our efforts and bear with us during our "cruddiest" period.

Lee Perkins
BlastMaster Magazine

your first post, welcome to the BBS.

i have a Question, We are thinking about making a day where contractor would meet locally around the country. would you be willing to publish the day & the dates?

we are not forming and organization just a few guys getting to gether locally to shoot the bull. nothing formal just something that might be fun and who knows what it might lead too.
Glad to publish Industry Information


I would be more than happy to publish the schedule of informal meetings. Just email them to me and I will get it in the Industry News section of the magazine.

This goes for anyone who has an announcement or news for the pressure washing industry, just email it to me and I will publish it.

My email address is:
