Blastmaster gone,,,,,

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
Blastmaster gone,,,,,

Could we have those that wanted to write have there owned sections here were they could submit articles that could be replied to, we could even have a schedule telling people what they are looking forward too.

Anyone has any ideas and does anyone want to participate?
Like a PWI E-Zine?
It could work!
It's a shame that BlastMaster is gone. I know I invested alot of time into writing. I know others did too.

In working with Lee, I have actually had expansion plans in place for a few months. I believe I have a very solid idea that would... produce a unique magazine.

Lee had a tough decision to make. It's a shame. I have things I turned in which never made it to print. But they will be printed, as I do intend to include them in the book I am working on.

I am also kicking around the idea of starting up a magazine. But I don't know if it would be well received or not....

Well, should I do it? I need to hear from you guys...the readers.

Do you want me to keep going?

More viewers but less income!
Beth you know my thoughts on it but so all can also know, I feel Blast Master was better then the other one in relation to understanding things being said.

Peer to peer is always understood rather then industry to end user.

Yes I get Cleaner Times' and I always feel it is more about sales then education, teaching and things from others who do it.

I would like to see another magazine for the industry in line with what Blast Master tried to do.

Whether it is a paid subscribtion type of online I am not sure. Online does limit things more, many people do not go to all BBS to read, so that would be the first thing to overcome.

In other words, post it in one or all BBS, if all will all allow it, Delco for an example or even Hydro Tek, yes they have a bbs but it never really took off.

Beth go for it, you will never know how well it goes if you don't try.

That is a tough question. Do you have the cash flow to make it work?

The problem with any start up in any type of business is the cash flow. The main reasons why start ups fail in the first year such as the Blastmaster Magazine.

If I understood it correctly they also had investors which means they did there homework. Unless your cash rich, investors wiil help keep your operation afloat untill it starts making a profit which at that point You and them will reap the rewards(Satisfaction of making it and more importantly MONEY).

I think you would be a fine Editor/Publisher but unless you have the money to back it, the odds of making it are slim to none.

As far as an Online Magazine, that may be a good direction to look into especially considering how cheap it is to run these bb's.

As far as generating cash for the online magazine that is for another thread.

Either way good luck Beth.
Where havi I been?

I wrote articles in every issue!
When did all of this happen?
Someone fill me in please.
Call me after 1:30 eastern...
I'll fill you in.
this is not the first time i have subscribed to a small time magazine that has went belly up halfway through the subscription,what happened and what arrangements are being made to refund the subscription fees?
I wish I could fill in all the blanks. I'm sure you have questions, just as I do. I cannot speak about ads or subscriptions, as I had nothing to do with the financial end of the publication. To be clear, I donated my time and wrote articles for Blastmaster because I wanted to do so. I was not salaried or anything. I can't speak for others.

Lee did tell me she would refund sbscriptions on a prorated basis, and she put a form on her site. I have heard nothing from her regarding advertising. She's come to a crossroads in her life at an unfortunate time. On top of it things didn't seem, in my opinion only, to come together quite fast enough. I can't speculate about proper or lack of planning, but I can say that Lee did share with me that she has experience in publishing. Her heart was certainly in it. She worked very, very long hours.

I'm sure several of us have submitted articles that are not yet published.

Lee needs to be the one to address her decisions. She went through alot in June, and really struggled with what to do. Then things were silent. There were several things that could have happened, but ultimately it was up to her to decide. I waited to hear for weeks which way this would go, and prepared to work hard with her if possible, without her potentially, depending on her decision.

I hope this helps.
