Black stripes on large metal building


New member
I am fairly new to pressure washing. I am getting ready to to a bid for store front only. its a typical metal building with white finish and three rock pillars. Of course the building has black streaks all down it.
I need some recomendations on some chems for this job so i can adjust bid accordenly. does $1 per lin ft sound right????
this is a great site, thanks for the help!!!!!
ron p

When you say a typical metal building, in my neck of the woods we dont have metal buildings as stores. We have them as storage buildings.
How tall are the store fronts?
Do you just wash the building or the cement also?
Are the black streaks from air polution and car exsaust or from tar from the roof.[dont know if they are all metal construction]
How are you planning to get your chem. from bucket to the building? Downstream,x-jet,bucket and brush,exstension wand,ect...?
Do you have a water supply on the job?
What is your rigs GPM? Do you have a hot water rig? Is this going to be night work?
All of this will help determin the price.
Also you made no mention of windows and if you plan on just giving them athe same wash as the building or if you want to get them perfect?
All of these questions,chem help,price help,and a little "how to" help would be much easyer if you could post two pics. One of your rig[equipment] and one of the job.
The windows make a big diffrence in what chems i would use. a$1 a lin ft seems cheap,unless you can wash and rinse 85 to 100 ft per hour.
RON,P additional info

Have no pics at this time. this is a distribution warehouse for a bakery with a store in the front. I have 152 sq ft of sidewalk. The store front is 76' and about 18' high with one plastic sighn, one 6x12 window I was going to clean with a squigie. The streaks may be a combo of both tar and polution,a light degreaser from a spayer and hand washing a test spot helped, but did not completly rid surface of streaks.
Have good water psi from on site source approx 175' away. this will be a sunday job. My "rig" is not much due to me just starting. Have 4000 psi 4gpm cw unit. 150' high psi hose, 200' water supply hose and extention wands. I am trying to get my foot in the door. They have several other stores and the poss. of fleet washing. thanks again for the info and input.
i would

get and use a X-JET and use a cleaning solution of truck wash, limonlene,and a long squirt of Dawn.
Chems do most of the work and you need a way to get real high concentrations of your mix on the surface. Downstreamer wont get enuff chem on or shoot it high enuff.
I know the x-jet is big bucks but it's worth it.
ps get the close range tip for the x-jet.