Bitch with a budget!!!

The Cleaner

Vetran Washer 30 Years Plus
*And they STILL want to talk about Sarah's clothing??

People,..... Are you out there?


Madame Pelosi wasn't happy with the small private jet that comes with the Speaker's, Madame Pelosi was aggravated that this little jet had to stop to refuel, so she ordered a Big Fat 200 seat jet that could get her back to California without stopping!

Many, many legislators walked by and grinned with glee as Joe informed everyone what Nancy's Big Fat Jet costs us, the hard working American Taxpayers, for the thousands of gallons of fuel every week.

Since she only works 3 days a week, this gas guzzling jet gets fueled and she flies home toCalifornia , cost to the taxpayers of about $60,000 one way!

As Joe put it, 'Unfortunately we have to pay to bring her back on Monday Night.' Cost to us is another $60,000. Folks, that is$480,000 per month and that is an annual cost to the taxpayers of $5,760,000. No wonder she complains about the cost of this might cramp her style and she is styling, on my back and yours.

I think of the military families in this country doing without and this woman, who heads up the most do-nothing Congress in the history of this country, keeps fueling that jet while doing nothing.

Madame Pelosi wants you and me to conserve our carbon footprint. She wants us to buy smaller cars and Obama wants us to get a bicycle pump and air up our tires.

These people are nuts.

If you think this is outrageous, forward it to all those on your email list!

Keep in mind the figures above do NOT include cost of plane or crew, just fuel!

One wonders what her total package cost us? And she wants to tax OUR Ira's & 401K's.....
They Think They Are ;)

If we cut the WASTE in the Fed Budget we could all Retire, But instead we are going to get more WASTE in a Health Care Bill. You just wait and see if this debacle is the Worst in US History and Most Costly Program of All TIME.

After all look at all the FINE Government Offices we have now, Like the IRS, DMV, SS Office the list go's on and man are they well run :eek: But wait theres more, We now have Government Motors and GOV Banking what more could you ask for? OK they will be fine LITTLE CARS like the YUGO .......NICE ;) Make My fine GOV Motors Car a Ferrari RED YUGO now thats styling.
I don't like Pelosi much, but how about getting all the facts and not just blindly posting something? If you want to assume something is fact just because you got it in an email and because it's about a politician (so it must be true, right?), then that's your privilege. Just don't keep perpetuating the myth all over this and other forums.

First off, the largest jet she uses is an Air Force C-32, basically a Boeing 757. The AF says it seats about 45 passengers.

There's more, which you can read at the Urban Legends Reference Pages. That's the first place I check when I get a message that's already a forward of a forward of a forward (complete with the names and addresses of the eight million people who have already gotten it). The more outraged or hysterical the message seems, the more often I've found it to be BS. Too many exclamation points and too much use of capital letters (FORWARD THIS TO EVERYONE YOU CARE ABOUT AND WHO WILL ALSO BE SHOCKED BY IT AND WHO WILL ALSO BLINDLY FORWARD IT!!!!!!) should be a tip. :rolleyes:

Back in 2001, there was an Intertoob story going around that claimed six Republican presidents had the lowest IQ of all the presidents of the previous fifty years. (And the "study" included FDR, who died in 1945. Do the math.) It also said Bill Clinton's IQ was twice that of GWB's, who supposedly had an IQ of 91. Would you have given that one a BS test? I sure would have.
There is no "Lovenstein Institute" anywhere in the US, and no "Swanson/Crain" system for ranking intelligence, but newspapers in Britain and New Zealand got suckered by the hoax. Why? Probably because "IT WAS ON THE INTERNET, SO IT MUST BE TRUE!!!!!!"

I still don't like Pelosi, and probably never will. Let's just keep on exposing the bad stuff she actually does, and not bury the facts in a big pile of false outrage and unsupported complaining.
I don't like Pelosi much, but how about getting all the facts and not just blindly posting something? If you want to assume something is fact just because you got it in an email and because it's about a politician (so it must be true, right?), then that's your privilege. Just don't keep perpetuating the myth all over this and other forums.

First off, the largest jet she uses is an Air Force C-32, basically a Boeing 757. The AF says it seats about 45 passengers.

There's more, which you can read at the Urban Legends Reference Pages. That's the first place I check when I get a message that's already a forward of a forward of a forward (complete with the names and addresses of the eight million people who have already gotten it). The more outraged or hysterical the message seems, the more often I've found it to be BS. Too many exclamation points and too much use of capital letters (FORWARD THIS TO EVERYONE YOU CARE ABOUT AND WHO WILL ALSO BE SHOCKED BY IT AND WHO WILL ALSO BLINDLY FORWARD IT!!!!!!) should be a tip. :rolleyes:

Back in 2001, there was an Intertoob story going around that claimed six Republican presidents had the lowest IQ of all the presidents of the previous fifty years. (And the "study" included FDR, who died in 1945. Do the math.) It also said Bill Clinton's IQ was twice that of GWB's, who supposedly had an IQ of 91. Would you have given that one a BS test? I sure would have.
There is no "Lovenstein Institute" anywhere in the US, and no "Swanson/Crain" system for ranking intelligence, but newspapers in Britain and New Zealand got suckered by the hoax. Why? Probably because "IT WAS ON THE INTERNET, SO IT MUST BE TRUE!!!!!!"

I still don't like Pelosi, and probably never will. Let's just keep on exposing the bad stuff she actually does, and not bury the facts in a big pile of false outrage and unsupported complaining.

I also heard that your an ASSH**E i thought that was a rumor, but now i am convinced!!:rolleyes:
I don't like Pelosi much, but how about getting all the facts and not just blindly posting something? If you want to assume something is fact just because you got it in an email and because it's about a politician (so it must be true, right?), then that's your privilege. Just don't keep perpetuating the myth all over this and other forums.

First off, the largest jet she uses is an Air Force C-32, basically a Boeing 757. The AF says it seats about 45 passengers.

There's more, which you can read at the Urban Legends Reference Pages. That's the first place I check when I get a message that's already a forward of a forward of a forward (complete with the names and addresses of the eight million people who have already gotten it). The more outraged or hysterical the message seems, the more often I've found it to be BS. Too many exclamation points and too much use of capital letters (FORWARD THIS TO EVERYONE YOU CARE ABOUT AND WHO WILL ALSO BE SHOCKED BY IT AND WHO WILL ALSO BLINDLY FORWARD IT!!!!!!) should be a tip. :rolleyes:

Back in 2001, there was an Intertoob story going around that claimed six Republican presidents had the lowest IQ of all the presidents of the previous fifty years. (And the "study" included FDR, who died in 1945. Do the math.) It also said Bill Clinton's IQ was twice that of GWB's, who supposedly had an IQ of 91. Would you have given that one a BS test? I sure would have.
There is no "Lovenstein Institute" anywhere in the US, and no "Swanson/Crain" system for ranking intelligence, but newspapers in Britain and New Zealand got suckered by the hoax. Why? Probably because "IT WAS ON THE INTERNET, SO IT MUST BE TRUE!!!!!!"

I still don't like Pelosi, and probably never will. Let's just keep on exposing the bad stuff she actually does, and not bury the facts in a big pile of false outrage and unsupported complaining.

Whos to say Snopes is right! There is a lot of BS on that sight to. Some times its about reading between the lines. Maybe instead of flying coast to coast weekly she shpould move till her time in office is up! Just a thought! Would save us some money!