Bigboy teach us some colors,

You can make any color you want by mixing numbers with letters,you know like 1,2,3 or a,b,c.

Use this in front # or this " at the front and back of the color your wanting to make,like this #8b0000 is dark red and so is this "8b0000".

ff0000 is red and ff4500 is orangered.......this is yellow #ffff00 so is this "FFFF00".....dc143c is crimson so you see just mix up some letter and numbers and see what happens hahahahahaha.

like this ....font color=#008000........put this tag <> and its closing get the color which is green.....which they can be many greens...00ff00 is limegreen.

They are color charts on the net,,type in, HTML colors, to go to the pages.
<marquee scrolldelay="600" scrollamount="500" bgcolor=yellow>O K after I see yours and Scotts picture</marquee>
This is how I got it to blink with background color.

marquee scrolldelay="600" scrollamount="500" bgcolor=#ffffoo.

<b><marquee scrolldelay="600" scrollamount="500" bgcolor=#008000> I'm out of here</b></marquee>
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<DIV STYLE="filter:wave (strength=3,ligthstrength=30);width:540";><Marquee><b><font size="14" face="arial" color=33ffff> I think I got the hang of this, how much can you write. Maybe I can start making my whole posts in this format. LOL</b></font></marquee></DIV>