Bidding 18 Bojangles

good for you, that is not a bad gig. are they close together? How often will you get to clean?
I know that some of the locations are close together. I'm meeting with the GM today for more details and what they are looking for. So i'm going to wash my rig and do a FREE demo to show him the quality of my work. We'll discuss frequency then but I wont do any longer than 30 day contract, not for fast food.
Good Luck
like pop eye or kfc
I wish they were here, they sound good.

We have lots of different chicken places but my favorite is Popeye's.

Love that chicken from Popeye's. hahaha

With double fries and lots of salt!!! Hahaha! :D
When I fly into Atlanta airport, they have Popeye's Chicken at 4 of the 5 or 6 terminals there. hahahaha


I'll leave it alone....:rolleyes:
Sorry guys i didn't get them...There is a low baller. Get this he does them for $50 a store!!!! and that's not all he does all the services for the guy. Janitorial, Electric, Everything. needless to say the owner isn't interested in switching even though he admits he isn't getting the best cleaning job.
I'd stay in touch pretty close because that other guy is in a bad situation whether he knows it or not and is being "owned" by the DM you spoke to. Sooner or later the other guys going to figure it out. Thats the problem when you offer multiple services like that and you get so far in bed with one customer you can't say no when they start dictating prices to you. That DM probably knows the other guys is going to balk at the price he's going to be offered for this years contract and he's just lining up quick sources to go to and what it's going to cost him if this guy walks. If he calls you make sure you get a signed contract for the year before the work and not buy into the o'l phone contract of "can ya come do it and well work that all out later". You'll never get another face to face with the DM, he's just buying time to find another low baller. But I wouldn't let more than 60 days go by without calling the guy.