Best week for new Customers in months, 9/11 is finally going to rebound.

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
Best week for new Customers in months, 9/11 is finally going to rebound.

I do 99% monthly maintenance contracts so things didn’t slow much. The daily growth was way down. its now just starting to peak again.

At first like everyone else I said let’s hang on to the cash and see what happens. Then as always I got bored and said lets go after the ones sitting back and enjoying the break.

Sure enough I hire three more folks to track down leads put the girls on the phone and away we went. As a result we landed a few more this week than any other since 9/11. We plan on moving full steam ahead,,,,

Funny thing happened yesterday: customer tells me that he hasn’t seen a pressure washer in months try to get his business. Before 9/11 new guys would stop by weekly. (Just thought you all might like to know that sitting around during this lull period might affect your business more than we realize.

My advice to all those cautioning spending money in advertising, increase what you normally spend and I believe its going to come back ten fold.
what did i sell? forgot to say

Four medium size Shopping centers:

9 restaurant Location ranging from monthly to 15 days

i dindt make this post to bragg, just letting everyone know i was making a mistake like most of thi country is. we are in not in hard times, Yet

we will be if people dont get out there and spend. I'm doing my part business as usual......
Its great to know that business has picked up for the first time since 9/11. I can't really answer that because my business is completely shut down this time of the year. Plus its snowing like crazy right now. I have a window by my computer and its a pretty site to see the snow coming down as I sit here in my warm room.

As far as 9/11 goes my business was on a record breaking pace untill that date then everthing came to stop. I eventually picked up again,and then I shut down in Dec.

Hopefully this year I can have a great start again like I did last year and carry it thru the rest of the year. I will have to wait and see because I don't start up again until March.

I'm looking outside and I see the plows making money. Hmmmm
Thats one of the first things I plan on doing. I need more work for the two guys that work for me. That along with a website are high on my list.

In another week or two I will start to get my business plan in order for the coming year. Untill then I will just shoot the bs on this bb and relax for the time being.