Banned member

Russ Spence

Commercial Pressure Wash Expert
We have had to ban Chris Tucker of Apple Roof Cleaning once again.

This was not only my decision but the decision of an overwhealming majority of the faculty and the administration, as of this morning the vote was 21 to ban him and 2 votes for whatever I feel is right for the board.

Ladies and Gentlemen we have not had a problem, except in this area with this person, this decision is final and phone calls and pm's will not be necessary to save Chris at this time, I dont want links back to his board to start being posted or they too will be removed.

This issue has been resolved for the good of this board and its members.

I take responsibility for letting him come back so I am to blame for this problem and to those that were involved in the threads he was in I am sorry.

Thank you all for your votes and for stepping up to the plate so quickly, now lets all move on.

Good luck this year and this season.
I agree Russ, you did give him a 2nd chance, nothing wrong with trying.

What he did with that 2nd chance was up to him.
LMAO....Now that was hillarious! :D

We are missing Tracy & Larry.....We are almost maxed... three more and you need a larger Room....