Bad night!

El Flojo

New member
Started off the night wrong and new it was not gonna be a good night. Woke up flat on the trailer.get the spare spare is low on the 1hr drive. set up then go start the PW,turn key Click,Click,Click, the Damn batt was DEAD!!:mad: Picked up all hoses and went to wallyworld didnt have a batt. that size:mad: drive to another wallyworld and bought the batt. set up gear and started to work. then the hose on the SC blows right at the swivel with hot water and the hose spraying hot water all over me:mad: Got P/O and packed it up again before something worse happens. about 20 min away and my helper says hey we need to go back I lost my wallet.:mad: go back and see cops allover the place car popped the curb right to where we were cleaning.:eek: smashed into a light post. the point is a higher power was giving us the signs not to be there tonight. we just wernt a few blisters on the face and arm not to bad though colda been worse if it wouldnt have popped off. good night fellas:)
Holy cow Joe. Ive had days like that. You just wake up the next day and hope today is better.

Good thing your burns werent worse. Not sure if you've seen Chris Chappell's pictures of his burns or not, but they were bad.
Ewwww not a good night at all. Get some rest.....when you wake up- it will be better.
Soundl like a pretty good night to me. If things had not messed up, you could have been hit by the car. Much better to have all the rest happen then get hit.
About 3 yrs ago we were heading back to Florida from a trip to RI. we stopped at a convenience store for gas and munchies. I remember getting mad because the clerk was soooooo slow. Long story short, it put us behind about 10 min. (I know, no big deal.) We got back on the highway and about 6 miles down the road we ran into backed up traffic. No one was moving. A logging truck had over turned on a bridge directly above the highway and lost a good part of it's load. 2 cars had been hit by the logs and a van in the far right lane had a log that went right through the passenger side windshield and straight out the back. Still not sure if anyone was killed that day but if we hadn't stopped and had a slow clerk that put us 10 minutes behind that could have been us. I believe that everything happens for a reason and I truly believe that someone from above was watching out for us that day. :) Needless to say that when I forget something and have to run back home or something slows me down I try not to get upset anymore. There could be a very good reason why !!!
Sounds about right, typical night of a pressure cleaner. Now that this has happened to you hopefully you will learn from this and carry an extra line and hose for everything on you rig, always check air pressure in your tires and spare.And before heading out give the machine a quick crank just to be sure.

I know its easy to say this after the fact, but i sh*t you not brother, I have had it all happen to me and more over the 15 yrs. Learn from it and dont get caught with your pants down. When you travel the road doing this type of work at these hours you need to be self sufficient at me no one is coming to help ya at that hour!!
Nick is right. I've seen Nicks rig. You could litteraly build another setup with all the spare parts he has on it. :)
You got it nick. My guys always say that nothing can keep us down. About the only thing we dont carry backup for is employes.

10-4 but if you call able body they will bring you out another bum if the one you rented dies on the job..:D I have had my guy's swear that they were going to have to call it a night, but they dont second guess me no more!!:D
I would say in the big scheme of things that sounds like a pretty good night...At least you guys are still here to pressure wash another day!
Related good book - Way of the Peaceful Warrior

You can always jump the machine from the truck or take the battery out and use it to get started.
batt. just died tried that tom