"Bad Neighborhoods"

Apple Roof Cleaning

Roof Cleaning Instructor
Total Links found: 2533 for PWI. WOW
It is "easy" for Forums to get a lot of total links because they have many pages.
These pages get indexed and voila Tons of backlinks.

I ran www.propowerwash.com see what you see on that domain ?
It must be because you are a roofie. We all know they are crazy.
hi Chris so I ran 1 of my websites

Soooooo what does this all mean
is it good or bad (the score)

<FORM name=checkform action=javascript:startScan();><INPUT class=myinput id=urlstart size=65 value=www.spawarehousehouston.com name=url> <INPUT class=bnbutton onclick=startScan(); type=button value="Check URL">

Total Links found: 1460
Unique Links found: 777
Questionable Links found: 0
Pages scanned: 30
It must be because you are a roofie. We all know they are crazy.
LOL - Yep :)
Seriously - It is not always your FAULT if you have a questionable link on your web site.
Someone you llink TO can link to someone who is "questionable" ?
You can be linked to a NEWS site that has "bad words" in their anchor text for instance ?
But being linked directly to you know WHAT kind of sites is a BIG No No :eek:
hi Chris so I ran 1 of my websites

Soooooo what does this all mean
is it good or bad (the score)

<FORM name=checkform action="javascript<b"></B>:startScan();><INPUT class=myinput id=urlstart size=65 value=www.spawarehousehouston.com name=url> <INPUT class=bnbutton onclick=startScan(); type=button value="Check URL">

Total Links found: 1460
Unique Links found: 777
Questionable Links found: 0
Pages scanned: 30
YOU are "squeaky clean" too David :)
NO questionable sites you link to :D