AZ Immigration Law/Sun's Owner Disapproves

Doug Rucker

Roundtable Host 2009
Received this by email today.

The owner of the Phoenix Suns basketball team, Robert Sarver, opposes AZ's new immigration laws. Arizona 's Governor, Jan Brewer, released the following statement in response to Sarver's criticism of the new law:
"What if the owners of the Suns discovered that hordes of people were sneaking into games without paying? What if they had a good idea who the gate-crashers are, but the ushers and security personnel were not allowed to ask these folks to produce their ticket stubs, thus non-paying attendees couldn't be ejected. Furthermore, what if Suns' ownership was expected to provide those who sneaked in with complimentary eats and drink? And what if, on those days when a gate-crasher became ill or injured, the Suns had to provide free medical care and shelter?"
- Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer
Try going to any other country without ID and see how far it gets you.
This old news. It was huge when it first hit here. It, more then.likely hurt attendance levels. It is impossible to tell for sure since the suns stink this year.
She was responding to an attack by him on her. It was justified. If he has a better plan that will benefit all involved, then I think he should run for Governor, but he will have to wait for the election in 4 years, because she just got elected.
The solution for this problem is quite easy, and this is for ANYONE that wants to come here illegally and wants to be Legal, or is here Illegally and wants to stay.

#1....$5000.00 per person, children $2500.00 per
#2....$25,000 per if you have a criminal record
#3....Must pay Fed & State taxes for a period of 5yrs. before ANY State or Fed. benefits apply.
#4.... Commit a felony.... $5,000 to $10,000 additional
#5.... Any Company using Illegal labor $10,000 per employee...Period.

I've got more, but you get the idea. This takes care of the Illegal issue and balances the budget at the same time.

Government is a Business, like it or not, agree or disagree, that's what it is..... Time To Start Running It Like A Business!!!
I know most of us are decedents of immigrants but the big difference is they for the most part were legal immigrants not ILLEGAL ALIENS. Not undocumented but ILLEGAL. No one admires many of their willingness to work hard more than me. But their burden on the medical, education and legal system is overwhelming.

If they really wanted to solve it try this. Give a date 60 days away. Any illegals caught after that time will serve 2 years fed time and deport period. And No possibility of any legal entry after completion of their sentence or another 5 years if caught again. How could we house so many in jails? Give Sheriff Arapaio 10 miles of 10' chain link and 80 miles of razor wire. I promise you'd never need it. There would be a line of illegals going back to Mexico as far as you could see. An estimated 30,000,000 leaving. Estimated US population 310,000,000. Current unemployment 9.9%. Do the math.

Contrary to what some believe every job left would still get done. It would require more pay to get them done. Inflationary? Yes but taxes would be paid and it would save the billions of dollars saved in social services. It would also stop the estimated $10 billion sent back to Mexico each year.

Only then could we figure a work entry program based on the current unemployment rate. High unemployment no work entry. Low unemployment adjust the numbers higher. I stress I'm not against them being here. I'm against them being here ILLEGALLY.

Just my opinion and as usual worth every penny I'm charging for it.