August 25.00 dollar Special!!!!

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member

Let talk about this dumpster, its a large family owner and operated PM company in phx.

Since the economys bad they have been buying up propertys left and right.

We have never had success getting into the companys doors until last week.

The women who is name is Sharon is VP of PM, she calls and says i just recieved a card in the mail about 25 dollar dumpter cleaning. She said i noticed it doesnt cover grease spills, my salesmens tells her the hourly rate for grease clean up and compound has to be put down before we even attempt to was a grease dumptser.

This story doesnt end here, i call her myself because i wanted to talk with her because I know the contractor that doing her work. She tells me that he is too busy to get to it right away because they are buying so many propertys and hes is having a hard time keeping up. This is when she gives me three shooping center they have in escrow and two others they have not committed to the other guy.

Guy!!!!!! this is the largest independant pm company in AZ. JACKPOT

i'm proud to say we currently do work for now 16 of the top 20 in AZ. ( thanks 25 dollar dumpster card. )
The same parking garage at the news station that was got off the 25 dumpster is being done again by us only a few months later. 18 gs again for about 2 days work. Its sillyyyyy

off a 25 dollar dumpters. This lady to date has 7 centers on regular maint.
Ron, was that a one-time special no matter how many dumpsters they had for $25.00 each or was it part of signing a contract to do them monthly or quarterly for that price or as part of another service?

I am confused here.