asphalt pressure washing


New member
Does anybuddy here do asphalt parking lots? I am trying to put together a bid on a 30,000 sq ft parking lot. There will be very little oil spot removal. The parking lot is only 3 or 4 years old. I will not be doing any sidewalks or curbs since i have been pressure washing them when i do the buildings which is once a month.
Hi Bears..How's it up north in the land of no tax??

Asphalt is oil so we try to avoid directly hitting it as much as we can. Heat or chems just break it down that much quiker and it is a pain to rinse dirt from properly without leaving stains. Then you got considerations of where is all that contaminated oil water going. Is inevitable when doing storefronts or pads that some flushing of asphalt happens though.
Most owners just spend the bank and reoil it far as I can tell.
Maybe ya can find a street sweeper guy to run over it...
Thanks for the info MMI. Its been freezing here over night which is cutting down the hours that we can work. We usually start at 5am but now we are having to wait untill 9 or so.
Hi ron

I do have a pump that will do 300 gpm at 50 psi or so. but i dont feel like reclaiming 5,000 gal of water. lol
Xjet it with cold water... we did a bank parking lot that way and it looked fine. On asphalt you are basically just hosing it down. That is why most places have concrete plots, parking spaces, sidewalks can clean them.
Asphalt Does and Don'ts

Ok so can anyone tell me how the last project turned out? And how hot can you set your washer and with a flat surface cleaner - how much pressure before you hurt the surface? If concrete is damaged by leaving the tool over one spot to long, I'm guessing asphalt would be worse.
Had lead today on 10k of asphalt...
Guy said his insurance recommended getting it pressured. Apparently the parking spots are caked enough to inspire such talk. I warned about reclaim and how use of pressure or chems would quiken the need to resurface and just ended up suggesting scraping/shoveling the bad spots and then reoiling it. I mean after all asphalt is but thick oil and rock so.... I'll pass.
Had lead today on 10k of asphalt...
Guy said his insurance recommended getting it pressured. Apparently the parking spots are caked enough to inspire such talk. I warned about reclaim and how use of pressure or chems would quiken the need to resurface and just ended up suggesting scraping/shoveling the bad spots and then reoiling it. I mean after all asphalt is but thick oil and rock so.... I'll pass.

I got a call for a parking lot that has 50 or so security trucks leaking oil all over the place.

The owner is a filter customer of mine and I know he's picky so I claimed EPA liability and passed on it.

I could use the money, but not the aftermath with this guy.