Article in this months CLEANER TIMES mag.

Clean County PW

Active member
In this months Cleaner TImes Magazine there are a bunch of good articles that I have read.

One of them is the first article titled "Landing a Large Contract".
The Company that this article is about is called Water Dragon. They are owned by a FULLTIME Fireman. (One for the partimers.)

I bet some of the "Fulltime" Powerwashers would not consider his company in there class. Justin where are you:D

Partime vs fulltime means NOTHING most of the time. Its the Work that you do that means EVERYTHING!!!! I rest my case:)

Anyway the real point I want to bring up here is that this Company has a couple of 3800psi@3.8gpm hot water powerwashers. They also use 34 inch Surface Cleaners.

Did you catch that? 3.8gpm for 34" Surface cleaner. There goes that theory about using large surface cleaners you must have high GPM. I found that part of the story surprising. We all know higher gpm up to a certain point is the key.

If I have time I am going to do a test with my 30" surface cleaner. I always use it on my 5gpm PW. One day I will try it on my 3.5gpm surface cleaner to see the comparison as far as how many times I have to go back and forth to clean a section and how long it takes so I can compare.
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Clean County PW said:

Anyway the real point I want to bring up here is that this Company has a couple of 3800psi@3.8gpm hot water powerwashers. They also use 34 inch Surface Cleaners.

Did you catch that? 3.8gpm for 34" Surface cleaner. There goes that theory about using large surface cleaners you must have high GPM.

Just because they're using 3.8 gpms doesnt mean it works well!!!!

If they've never run a 5 gpm machine, they just don't know any better. If they washed one of their jobs with your washer, or my washer, I guarantee he'd be leasing brand new 5.5 gpm machines the very next day.
it must be nice

to have everyone in that town helping you instead of working against you.
You have cops towing cars for you.
You have the city bringing in a $70,000 streetsweeper to help you.
You have the town giving you permission and a meter to use the water and not one person gives a damn about the run-off going into the sewer.
Where the heck is MARY frickin POPPIN'S.
That is all this story needs.
That 3.8 gpm and 34 inc one handled pain in tha butt surface cleaner is for "PRE-TREATING" tHEN THEY GO BACK WITH A WAND AND DO THE REAL CLEANING. What about that degreaser going down the storm drain?
I love a good story and im happy they get to work in LA LA land where everyday is perfect.
No one complains about the light's and noise at night.
No one walking over your pressure lines.
Everyone is happy all the time.
Like i said LA LA LAND.
One persons large job is not the next persons large job.:D

I am surprised that no one is concerned aboutt he run off, especially in Wisconsin. They are usually HUGE EPA fans there, but then again it is a City Contract, and that is different.

Most Cities will do all they can to make your life easier on this type of contract. Street sweepers are closer to $150,000 for a muni sweeper, depending on the brand etc.

IF you are cleaning city sidewalks,they always provide the water for you. So it stands to reason that they would provide a water meter as well.

As for the efficiency of a smaller cleaner VS a larger cleaner, I have both, so The next time I do some flatwork I will have to test it out. I am still trying to figure out how I ended up with two surface cleaners.

As for the efficiency of a smaller cleaner VS a larger cleaner, I have both, so The next time I do some flatwork I will have to test it out. I am still trying to figure out how I ended up with two surface cleaners.

Easy answer Scott, just look in the mirror and you will see TWO Scotts, each Scott bought surface cleaner without talking to the other first.:D
It's that darn dual personality thing again, isn't it?
No, I only have one personality.
You are the insane one.
No you are.
Stop it you two, you're keeping me from sleeping.
