Armed Beauty Queen Fatally Shoots Intruder in Florida Home Invasion

Yay Meghan!
Good job! Justice served! PERIOD
Atta girl! If someone bangs on our door at 3:00am I won't have to go look for my gun AFTER I open it. My wife would have been giving me the elbow when she heard the door.
I don't understand you guys. Don't you know that Americans can't be trusted with guns? That poor guy was an Obama voter and now look at him. He can't vote for anybody. Can't you see that the wealthy couple had "too much" and he was just looking to get his "fair share"?

Good thing this didn't happen here in Las Vegas. The cops would have shot her when they responded to the 911 call then next day.
I hope he got to see the Pink Revolver before he left this world !!!
The best part was the last line. The boy friend said "she was not that good of a shot at the range". I guess she pulled it off when it mattered, better than the other way around.
We as americans need to start defending ourselfs and familys more.We need to become a lot less of a victimis Usa.People shouldnt be robbed beaten and raped in the USA.Take a stand help if you see somebody that needs it dont just walk by.By the way great shot.