Are we allowing nude photos????

That might cross some legal line if it is available for download. I dont know the rules on that.
As far as the board goes, we have given warning to all entrants
do we NEED to go there. Isn't there enough porn on the net w/o draging into here?
I see no need for it here.
Now if you had a pic of a naked exhaust cleaning crew......:eek: That would be something..:D
Uhh leave it to Russ to cross the line in the no holds barred section...and Uncle Lou..are you requesting necked Exhaust Cleaners? Something ain't right about that Uncle Lou..Something Ain't Right.
:eek: Man talk about getting chems where chems shouldn't be...:eek:
Ouch!!! I was just thinking I had some foam hit my lip on the last job..I could hear it sizzle....ooooooh a quick way to get rid a them warts Russ.
Russ you know there is an APB out for you right?? Straight from CO.