Anyone else have a problem with Service Magic?


I cancelled with Service Magic last year because of bogus leads, the only leads I got were bogus. I called them and cancelled the service and they tried to charge my card for the last 2 bogus leads after I spent a long time on the phone with them and emailing them. Every lead I got from them were bad and I explained that to them.

They sent many emails and a lot of phone calls to talk about keeping me on and I kept telling them to quit calling me that I was not interested and did not want to talk to them, the emails and calls went on for about a month and they would say how they have to have an interview with me and it has to happen so they know what is wrong with their service, blah, blah, blah and I kept telling them that I don't want to spend anymore time with them because at that point it was about 10 hours over the month talking to them (accumulated) of how their service just takes any lead and passes it on to charge you and I kept telling them to just quit calling and emailing me and I just started hanging up the phone on them and then it finally stopped.

Today a guy named Les calls and starts the whole routine how they have changed, those guys that would not return my calls or emails for the bogus leads are not with the company, the system is better, there are numerous more calls for this area, blah blah blah, etc.... I asked him if they fixed the system and he just kept reading from a script it seemed.

They did not fix anything according to what he told me and I told him that but he kept on and on and on and he finally told me "What do you want?" I told him to not call me anymore until they have a system in place to credit my account without me spending a lot of my time on the phone, leaving numerous calls and emails to get my money credited back to my account or my credit card.

He started arguing that he will be the person to talk to about the bogus leads and he will take care of it, I told him that there were 2 guys before that said the same thing but I had to spend a lot of my time on the phone and emails so the system is basically the same to me I told him.

It started to get into a heated phone call and then he would not stop talking and it got to the point of yelling and he finally told me that he is going to "Cancel Me off the list" and then told me that he will get other contractors in the area into the sytem and was yelling louder and louder so I just hanged up the phone.

Wow, Service Magic....... seems like they have not changed for the better, only now their service is now trying to harass the contractors into signing up with them, not too contractor friendly in my opinion.

This is what happened to me, some guys out there have had some luck with them, maybe in other parts of the country they have quality employees and do a good job to help the contractor or maybe there are good leads but here it is a smaller market and all the leads were bogus.
Waht abouth dunn & bradstreet(D&B)? does anyone do bizz. withem? they are calling in my area and there is only one guy on there for my town.& hes a buddy.
SM is not real good about listening to the people who pay their salaries (contractors). I've gone round and round with them about the crediting for bad leads, and had similar experiences. Their customer service is poor to say the least. I have used them for the last 5-6years for deck leads, but the "hassle factor" is hardly worth it. As of now, my account is on hold for the season until spring, but I think I will be dropping them. I generate a LOT of leads through referrals and my website (which I just revamped, by the way). Also, this last year was a real banner year for repeat customers, and if the trend continues, I won't need any new decks to maintain current income levels. I canceled all yellow page advertising, except the online yellow pages, and am focusing on retaining as many of my current client list as possible. I think it could be useful if you are brand new, because mailers have a poor ROI compared to a lead service. I'm sure others will chime in here......
:)(*)*&^*&^*&^*^%^&%$&% - enuf said about Service Magic. And we used to be BIG fans :(
I tried them after numerous phone calls. I told them if they want me wave all fee to start up, they did. The leads were poor and low quality. Getting a refund is next to impossible on bogus and dead end leads. Navigating their website to get a lead refund is a mystery, I think they intended it to be. They dont have a category for KEC so I tried cleaning kitchen hoods and I get leads to repair residential duct systems. A big waste of time. They want suggestions on how to improve their system but then argue with you about it. Chris I feel you pain.
My experience with Service Magic is that everyone on there is just price shopping and looking for the $59 house wash or $39 driveway cleaning :nono:
Last check was $12 per in my area, and like $18 for an "exact match". I disabled exact match leads a couple of years back after I ran into a competitor on three estimates in one day. He received leads from SM also. Needless to say, they were ripping us both off. It took me over an hour of heated complaining to get the exact match removed from my account. PITA.
SM has been okay for me this year. I was thinking about dropping them but instead just changed the zip codes for my service areas to two local counties. Not as many leads but the leads I received were better. The last lead I got from them I called the guy within 15 minutes. No answer. I left a message, e-mailed, called again, no response. Those are the ones that piss you off.
SM has been okay for me this year. I was thinking about dropping them but instead just changed the zip codes for my service areas to two local counties. Not as many leads but the leads I received were better. The last lead I got from them I called the guy within 15 minutes. No answer. I left a message, e-mailed, called again, no response. Those are the ones that piss you off.

Christmas eve last year my mom had surgery to install a titanium plate in her arm because she broke both bones in her arm at the wrist along with damaging some of the bones in her hand and the doctor showed me the X-Rays and explained to me that with the damage, it will have to be in a cast a lot longer than normal or have the plate so that was done.

I was in her room waiting for her to be released when I got the text message of a lead from Service Magic, I called right away, like not even a minute later and the phone number from the lead was disconnected! Wow!

I called a few times later on and for the next few days and still a bad number.

I spent numerous hours on the phone with them after numerous emails trying to get credit back from them and finally after a "meeting" they agreed to credit my account.

Way too much BullShi*, way too many bogus leads, too much hassle to get credited your money back, etc.....I will never use them again. In my eyes it is a scam!
I have actually had pretty good luck. Not a lot of leads, but most of the ones that I have received have turned into jobs.

However, Since I live in an area that has a lot of vacation homes many of the jobs that I have gotten have been from people that don't live in the area, but will be coming to town for a few days. This has somewhat helped with the price shoppers, as long as my price has been within what they expected to pay I usually get the job without them doing a lot of price shopping.