Anyone do striping?

Does anyone offer parking lot striping as a service? We get a ton of calls for it, and I was pondering adding it to our list of services. I have looked into what it would cost, but just wanted to get someones opinion on what it actually entails....any advice would be appreciated.
I'm glad you clarified "parking lot".
We do not.
Nicole my parents do parking lot striping. I don't really think it links real well with pressure washing in my opinion. Basic line striping isn't that hard but when you start getting into curves it gets a little harder. If you decide to not go into parking lot striping refer those customers to my parents and they will give you a percentage on the job. You will need a machine, stencils, and cones. (Lots of them) you will have idots driving threw your paint and even cones don't always do the trick.
Matt- I am glad that you made it over to this board - I really think that you will like it. I do have one of our property managment companies begging us to start doing stripe-ing (darn hillbilly russ) Anyway, I will let them know that your parents do stripe-ing :)D )

Anyway - I think that you will really like this board and find that there is a lot of great information, if you can dig through the blabbering in some areas. Use the search box at the top, it helps alot!
I clarified that for Russ and Russ alone.....I knew that he would have some sort of comment for my question!


I am deeply hurt but I like how you were thinking , now we all know whats really on your mind !
