Any Ron Paul Voters on the Board?

After two tours I think you should be able to say anything you want. Thank you to all of those who serve.
He is the only candidate running on a platform based on doing something different from what we've been doing for the past 50 years.

I won't vote for any of the republican candidates this time. They are all just variations of the same wimpy republicans we've had for my entire lifetime. The democrats rarely compromise but these wimpy republicans go into office prepared to compromise right off the bat. The Democrats have wiped the floor with them everytime they had power and didn't even give them a reach-around.

It's time for somebody different.
Paul got my vote in the caucus on Tuesday. The thing about nut jobs is that they are wrong, not just radical. I think the soldier should have known better than to wear his uniform. I also don't think paul is wimpy, his doesn't vote for junk he doesn't support. he has a backbone and will defend the constitution, whether the rest of the republicans in congress will join him is a whole 'nother matter.
But, that said, I'd rather a nut job who's sole purpose in life is to reduce the size and limit the power of government than the most brilliant, and even compassionate dictator!
I can't help but laugh when I hear about the racist remarks in his newsletters. He could despise me personally and want me drawn and quartered...but, that's not in the constitution! Who cares what his personal beliefs are, his political beliefs were very specifically written over 200 years ago, and he's only asking you to put him in political power...he's not asking to be your personal trainer, or your private chef...
If you don't like his foreign policy, take all the money his tax policy is going to save you and donate it to the standing army of Israel! He's not suggesting welfare programs will become illegal...he's just saying it won't be the governments business!
Kyle, would it be presumptuous to assume that you are voting for .........uh.......let me see.........Romney? lolol! :)

This time I'm going to do something completely un Sheltonlike. I've always believed in the old "vote for who can win" line and it's failed me everytime. Don't get me wrong - my candidate wins a lot of the time, but we, as Americans lose.

For example -

How is it that we controlled everything for a few years and yet Roe V Wade hasn't been reversed through legislation?
How is it that all our republican "tax cuts" always have an "expiration" date?
How is it that we controlled both houses and the white house at one time and yet our government never slowed down in its exponential growth?
How is it that we still have the ATF?
What about the EPA?
What about NEA? And the scores of other agencies that are clearly outside the bounds of our constitution?

Why? Because they all failed us. Republicans, Democrats and every one else who follows the status quo in an attempt to hold on to power as long as they can.

This year I'm not going to throw away my vote. I'm going to vote for the man who stands for real change. Ron Paul.

If he does not win - then my vote will have effectively gone to Hussein Obama and cancelled out a republican vote. I'm ok with that. Maybe losing ALL our freedoms is what it will take to make real men out of this Alan Alda/ Justin Bieber generation.

Last time I sold out and voted for McCain. He was a pathetic choice. I wouldn't vote for him for Mayor.

I'm not ever selling out again. It's my duty to vote for the best man, not play politics by "settling" for who "might" be able to win.

I'm done with selling out. No more of this:

Paul got my vote in the caucus on Tuesday. The thing about nut jobs is that they are wrong, not just radical. I think the soldier should have known better than to wear his uniform. I also don't think paul is wimpy, his doesn't vote for junk he doesn't support. he has a backbone and will defend the constitution, whether the rest of the republicans in congress will join him is a whole 'nother matter.

Paul is also well known for adding his own pork to bills the voting against the bill, knowing it will pass. Is that the kind of backbone your looking for?
one article of many.
That's well said Tony. I'm 27, I might have 15 or more presidential elections in my lifetime. If I vote for the lesser of two evils, or vote for who can win, I can expect to have to do that my whole life. If however, I vote for who I think the best man for the job truly is, then Obama might get for more years, but maybe it'll send a message to the GOP to nominate someone next time who is worth supporting. If they want my vote they have to do a lot more than slightly improve upon Obama.
"....earmarks do not "contribute to the size" of a bill, they merely appropriate some of the funding that has already been provided..." That is in one of the comments below the article posted. I never thought of it this way. Maybe its more important to scrutinize the justice of where the pork bill is going, rather than how big the pork bill is, since its money that will be spent anyway.
Paul is also well known for adding his own pork to bills the voting against the bill, knowing it will pass. Is that the kind of backbone your looking for?
one article of many.
Honestly, shady stuff like that would convence me to vote for the other candidate that is for small government, and would massively disassemble the abomination we have now!
I'll admit, I liked Allen Boyd, the "blue dog" that rep my district for the last decade (until he supported Obamacare and "stimulus"). I hate the political games he could play w/ the budget due to his seniority, it meant federal tax dollars that left FL typically made it back...but I hate that a lot of money was stolen from SC (or any other state) because their reps didn't have enough seniority! I'd like the candidate that, rather than "bring pork home" from the federal kitchen, just starved the federal kitchen in the first place! Why should the states have to beg for money back?
I think Dept of Ed is my favorite example! I have experience w/ it. The states are afraid to dismantle the federal department because it contributes 10% or more to their state and local education budgets... Why don't the states simply cut out the exorbinately rich middle man?!
What makes Paul a nut job? I think he has a excellnt grasp of the economic issues the United Ststes faces. Just becuase some of his soloutions scare the -hit out of people doesn't make the reality any less he just is facing some very hard issues of our economic issues straight on rather than sugar coating the issue and putting a nice face on a bad situation they do not want to change,
Issues like our debt owed to other countries, the fact our money only has value right now because it is the only currency used to buy oil ( for a little time more) and the fact that we are now tied to a country be owe billions and can never repay since thier ecomony is based on little more than slave labor and government devaluation of thier currency to keep them allways ahead of us ( china)
He is spot on with defense. Pretty much let the rest of the world take care of the rest of the world unless our intrests or safety are threatened.
Just curious why he is a nut job.
I'm a Ron Paul supporter 100%. It's clear fox and cnn (mainstream media) doesn't want to give him the time of day and will do everything in there power to try and hurt his campaign. Too bad the American people are catching on... We had a huge Ron Paul thread going here 4 years ago when he was running. The dollar would be a lot better off today if he was elected last time.
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