Any idea what is on this concrete?


New member
This is a newer complex. I know it looks like a bad pw job but I don't think it is. Any ideas?


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Looks to me like someone hit it with a floater surface cleaner and used too much presure and or the wrong tips and wacked the cream off the new concrete. I say a floating SC because you can see where they decided that they got tired of TRYING to walk straight and then started swaying it side to side. Looks like a 20in to me.
Looks to me like someone hit it with a floater surface cleaner and used too much presure and or the wrong tips and wacked the cream off the new concrete. I say a floating SC because you can see where they decided that they got tired of TRYING to walk straight and then started swaying it side to side. Looks like a 20in to me.

Looks like a barber shaved a little off the top. hahahahahahaha

Sometimes there is some discoloring in concrete but that sometimes happens when they use a steel bull float and it is starting to rust, leaves some of the rust stain into the concrete but under the dirt you can't see it sometimes.

I am guessing like Larry, shaved some cream off the top and way too much pressure. Looks like somewhat weak concrete, they should have tested it to see how much pressure it can take before cleaning so this would not happen.
I hate to have to agree with Larry, but, even a blind squirrel gets an acorn every once in a while. Or, even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
I hate to have to agree with Larry, but, even a blind squirrel gets an acorn every once in a while. Or, even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
And you would feel this way WHY? :confused:
Russ, you going to Tampa for the round table?
Maybe the whole Mr Bubble thing?

Bad experience with a Clown named Mr. Bubbles as a child? :confused: Hahaha! That reminds me of a good joke. This woman comes home from a Birthday Party..................Ahh! Maybe I better not. :eek:
Looks like someone tried muratic acid with a surface cleaner....some look like it might have been poured out of a bottle......Just a guess
Since it is on cement on Not concrete, you need to be careful no to damage the creme of the cement.

We are doing our annual garage that has this stuff all over the top level. We hit it at 5,000 PSI...

Call me and we can talk....
what chemicals should you use if you can't use too much pressure. safe restore works but is very expensive and that is an acid. What do you use?

On new concrete I use dawn and water with 500 PSI and be very careful....
I think someone was told to use muratic acid and screwed it up