Another School

Average Job $ 300 Damn I would go Broke..

These Guys need to but supplies , hoses, equipment repair , fuel , Guns and Wands..
My equipment takes a beating on almost every hood cleaning..

I go thru about 10 Guns a Year and about 2 - 200 ft sections of double braid hose a year..

My average jobs run between $300 to $ 500 per job.. I do about 4 Jobs a Week.
My concrete Jobs Average $ 200 and I Do About 8 a week
My Inspection (Fire) run About $130 a job and I do About 10 a week.

Am I Reach ( NO )
AmI Comfortable ( MAYBE)

At this rate I will be able to retire when I am about 70

That is if I want to get that 400,000 dollar RV I have been looking at..

I think I am Going to Start a School in Mississippi called

" Come work for me cleaning hoods and I will teach you how to make me rich"
Take it easy on thoase guns man. I've had the same one for 3 years. It's just now getting worn out. And this is doing 10+ jobs per week. I usually get about a year out of my hoses as well, 200' @ 50 ft sections. Maybe you should invest in that school, for $2775 you could be trained on equipment maintenance and troubleshooting. The money you would save on equipment would pay for it. Then you would be certified too.
It says "Pathway To Freedom"
OOOOOOOOOK! I have been averaging about 5 hrs of sleep nightly, sometime a little more, somtime a little less, once in a while not at all, for a couple of weeks. Working at night (filling in for a fired employeee) and trying to be around the office as much as possible during the day.

HOW GOOD IT FEELS TO BE FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S anyone need a job?
Hey I Just Bought an ST2000 Gun 5 days Ago and the top came off of it and the whole handle assembly fell out.... What a POS.. I got a cheap old gun from Giant that has lasted me about One Year.. I also just got thru throwing away my 3rd 200 ft section of " BADYEAR " Hose.. Double Braid HAHAHA.... I think I will buy Hose from Envirospec Like I used too , there hose last a good year.. I am also thinking about buying one of those really heavy duty guns ....They are yellow and bulky looking..

Oh Yea I rearranged the trailer today,, If I can get off my lazy ass I will go down stairs and take a photo of the newly designed trailer....