Another reason to open up the member list.

Clean County PW

Active member
On which is another good bb someone asked where he could get info to see some powerwashing figures to use for his potential logo.

Because the member list is closed to its members there, I sent him to here where he can look up The Hotwaterwizards website to look at his powerwashing clip art for some Ideas.

Another beauty of this bbs. I would like to know why these other bbs keep there membership closed to its members. I DONT LIKE IT!:mad:
because they are affraid I will e-mail them and then they will see what true freeom is.

its that simple,

they will say they are protecting there members from guys like me. anyway mine is open for them and they can e-mail whom ever they like. ''

i leave it up to every member wheather they want to recieve e-mail, its your choice not mine.