An Inspirational Story

Doug Rucker

Roundtable Host 2009
Tyler Sexton and his Mom and Dad, Lisa and Kevin, are very good friends of ours from the Clearwater, Fl area. Lisa was a maid of honor in our wedding, and Cathy and Lisa are best friends. Tyler was born with Cerebral Palsy and had a very difficult life growing up. Aside from the physical disabilities that come w Cerebral Palsy, he was constantly bullied, made fun of, told he'll never achieve much, etc etc.

Today Tyler is a Doctor having just graduated recently from Med School, and got married late last year and Lisa travels speaking about their life, (she recently came here to our church to speak) as well as counsels other families going through the same things. They also wrote a book.

Tonight at 9pmEST/8CST on the OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network, CH 279 for DirectTV Viewers), Lisa and Tyler will be featured on a show. If you can't watch you may want to DVR it as their story is one of great inspiration.
That sounds great.

We don't have that channel here, maybe someone can put it up on youtube if that is ok.
Yes. Sorry. Lisa texted me last night and let us know that Tyler will be on this Sunday the 20th. It is a two part show and Tyler's is on the second part. Unfortunately they did not know this till last night when it was over. Sorry guys.
I like stories like this. It is nice when someone that faces so many challenges is able to overcome them and succeed.
I like stories like this. It is nice when someone that faces so many challenges is able to overcome them and succeed.

Same here. This one is so special because we got live it out with them. Well my wife Cathy did more than me. Cathy and Lisa spent many a late night talking and crying through things. Very Special indeed.
Tonights segment with Tyler has been postponed due to the Lance Armstrong thing. Will post as soon as I know when it will be on.