all this talk about trees

Amanda Meyer

photo resizing

I saw a post earlier about someone needing a photo resized. just email the photos to me and i can do all that for you.

And what's all this talk about trees? I have never, and probably will never put up a Christmas tree. Sure, they smell good and all, but I could live without a daily reminder of December's financial problems. Plus, it's a total hassle and I just really don't care.
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Amanda that's a shame you feel that way>>>>> if you have financial stress it's b/c you are over spending........

and besides it's not just about the tree or how good they smell.........


<center><img src="" width=121 height=78 alt="scared mouse"></center></img>
i am with amanda, i live in TN and i cannot get into the christmas spirit when i am walking around in shorts. I grew up in a colder state where we actually got snow! i just think it's hard to get in the mood in warm climates.
Hmmm, Could someone explain to me exactly what a white christmas is? I have never seen one, If you do I will tell you what it is like to wear shorts at Christmas. Not today though, it is only about 42 deg. out.

All this talk about Christmas trees and having one or not having one. Spending too much money or not enough I don't care as long as we remember the real meaning of CHRISTmas. Jesus is the reson for the season. I don't mean to offend anyone just had to throw in my two cents.:D
Whats it like for a white xmas,hmmmm will its ok if your not in the powerwash business,its fun to play in,build snowmans,throw snowballs,eat snow ice cream,great to hunt in,really its pretty then its stuck in the tree limbs with ice shining from the smaller limbs but when you have to get out there with the powerwasher its not so pretty,driving around on froozen ground with ice on the wash area,slipping around the trucks while washing,wash water freezen on the ground but not the trucks and your thinking hey someone is wearing shorts in other areas which makes it that much colder...COME ON SPRING TIME.
Many times we do not have a White Christmas here in East Central Illinois. We do have our moments though!

Imagine looking over your yard, buildings, bushes and everything is White! Sometimes we have below freezing temperatures with high humidity. In the morning everything looks like a flocked Christmas Tree! Much of the time after a snow fall our skys are overcast, but everyonce in awhile we have a bright sunny day after the snow arrives. The fresh snow sparkles just like diamonds!

I got out our Charlie Brown tree (that what my wife calls it) from storage. All our kids are grown and we do not entertain so no real reason to get crazy with tree, lights, etc.

I did find a way to direct some of my resources to help some of the less fortune folks in my community. I talked with the local school nurse and she has 22 families on her list (our town has about 2200 people). No it is not like putting presents under a tree, but in the right hands I hope to make the Holiday a little brighter for some that have needs that I find hard to imagine.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Dave Olson
Thanks Matt,I forgot to warn bout yeller snow,its contaminated with dangous chemicals.

yel you can write your name in the snow,draw pictures or make a long straight line.

jump in snow drifts and hide,make a tunnel,its fun to drive around in after dark while still snowing out in the sticks or nowhereland,spen'd the trucks around around around around in the open feilds,pull someone behind ya on a old car hood with 4 or 5 people in it,spen'em around to get a ride of their life,,
yel its enjoyable if ya don't have to work in the ice after wards,I like washing in the snow but not after it starts to melt,its gets pretty slop-pe,nast-E and can have dat part ifen ya'll send some that warmair but we'll keep our pretty sparkling diamonds.........COME ON SPRING TIME.
"...its fun to drive around in after dark while still snowing out in the sticks or nowhereland,spen'd the trucks around around around around in the open feilds,pull someone behind ya on a old car hood with 4 or 5 people in it,spen'em around to get a ride of their life,, "

Reminds me of the best xmas ever. My dad, uncle and I tied a rope attached to a snowshovel behind a van and pulled it around in the snow. My uncle was first and I was in the back to watch and tell my dad who was driving when to stop. About halfway down the road my uncle fell off the shovel but his foot got caught in the rope. I was laughing so hard I couldn't tell my dad to stop so he pulled him about 100 more yards down the road. Needless to say I was next on the shovel with my uncle driving. I got roostertails full of snow in my face and he whipped the van around pretty good and I ended up face down in a snow bank. Still laughin...

Yel man some of those stupid things was funny.

4 or 5 of use had this ideal about pushing a old cotton wagon up this here hill and ride it down ( we had taken the sideboards off ),will it was a pretty good hill to push it up but we got it up there,raised the tongue up and back on the wagon to steer it with as we had a small curve to make on our way down,heck we started out pretty slow if you fell off you could run and get back on but on down the hill if you fell off you had to run faster to get back on,we thought we could jump off and stop it if we had too but hadn't figured the slipping trying to get a foot hold on the snow,will as we rounded that small curve which we made it just find but now a barbwire fence was coming up pretty fast,we jump off and tried to stop it but all seen we couldn't so we jumped back on the wagon and rode it though the fence which now we're on a gravel road with a much much bigger curve coming up plus hill droping off faster,by now we're going to fast to jump off on the gravel road but also knew if we didn't make dat curve we'd go off into a big ditch and we knew we wasn't going to make that curve anyway b/c the wagons steering broke,guess everybody was scared to jump off on gravel b/c we rode dat sucker down though small trees and brushs,we had one favor going our way though,the ditch was dry.Even the person in the car we passed before we went off the curve still laughs about it but at the time it wasn't a laughing matter b/c they where nothing to hold onto to stay on that bouncing wagon,dad told everybody it looked like some wild animals had cawled his wagon up
Have any of you ever gone for a walk late at night when it is snowing? You can hear the quiet. it sounds different. All the noise pollution we are used to is gone. Ever notice that? It's like the world is sleeping.

Well living in So CA, I understand wearing shorts in the middle of "winter". But, I have to admit, I just got home last night from a trip through Idaho, Jackson Hole WY, and Bozeman MT, and I will tell you one thing. IT IS BEAUTIFUL!! I am very tempted to move. I am tired of having nothing but palm trees and Magnolia's to decorate. I miss a white christmas. I can't hardly get into the spririt of Christmas when the temperature is 70 degrees. Just my thoughts. I am sure that those of you that deal with snow every winter would probably disagree! I miss the snow that I grew up with many years ago as a kid in Virginia. I do not miss shoveling snow, but I miss the feeling of Christmas! :)
let it snow let it snow let it snowwwwwwwwwwww.......................................................

Nothing like a white CHRISTMAS....
or a white winter...... I just love slamming the kids in the face with a snowball or two...................making angels...... and lets not forget Frosty the snowman........
Scott, a white Xmas, walking to school in the snow after Xmas vacation, sliding down the hill on shows because the road at Zepher Cove, Nevada had black ice.

Sitting on a metal tractor seat plowing the snow off the driveway, uphill at that while it is SNOWING and BLOWING wind in your face.

Backpacking with snowshoes deep into the Hight Sierra's in 15° temp on a warm day.

Kendra wants to move to Bozeman where the winter daytime temp might reach 20°, I would love living in places like that again IF and I do mean IF Remy would. Hawaii is her calling, back home but not for me.

A White Xmas wearing shorts, why not and the temp matters little if you understand how to keep warm.

I love being with my friends in Georgia during December and dearly miss not being there the last couple years and this one too.

Hey I say let it snow day and night for as long as it wants to. And down in Mesa, AZ too!

Amanda, I detect a bit of sadness about not having kids, being in debt and not enjoying Xmas and other Holidays.

Your young, give yourself time to find the right person and you will have your family, with that comes the joys of Xmas, birthdays, PTA and all that other stuff.

I will admit I am not one who likes how business has commericalized Holidays, it does take a bit of the fun out of them but still they have a meaning and that is why people enjoy them.

What would you want for Xmas if you could pick a gift, and I am not talking about a house or car but something you would want and enjoy for YOU?

Make your Xmas list and post it here Amanda.
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