Al Sharpton Blasts Tiger Woods for Lack of Mistress Diversity

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See.....Now i don't care who you are , if you don't think this is funny, you need to go stand in the middle of the freeway for about an hour and a half.

Al Sharpton Blasts Tiger Woods for Lack of Mistress Diversity

The Rev. Al Sharpton held a press conference today to blast Tiger Woods for the lack of diversity among his mistresses. Sharpton claims that the lack of African-American women among Woods’ harem will have a negative affect on the black community, specifically young black girls.

“Why is it that a man who calls himself black can’t bring himself to cheat on his wife with a black woman?” said Sharpton, speaking to a group of supporters in Harlem. “What does it say to young black girls everywhere when you pass them over? Shame on you, Tiger Woods. What would your daddy say?”

Sharpton, who has long championed taking black women as mistresses, said that today’s black athletes need to stop neglecting black women when it comes to extramarital affairs, and should follow the examples of positive black role models such as Jesse Jackson and Martin Luther King, Jr., both of whom cheated on their wives with black women. Sharpton also stressed that cheating with African-American women would help the black community financially by giving black girls the chance to sell their stories to tabloids and gossip magazines.

Added Sharpton, “I’m not asking you to not cheat on your wives, I’m just asking you to give back to your own community.”
Sharpton is just like Jesse Jackson. They both need to shut up. They think they speak for all black people and in truth they don't speak for anyone but themselves. Just trying to stay in the spotlight and make a lot of money.
Al, Jesse, MLK Jr, Tiger, they are all hypocrites and make me sick. The first three were media whores (and obviously actual whores) who never saw a microphone or camera they didnt like. Tiger was the perfect role model in my opinion until this crap came out. Now hes no better than the rest of the trash on this list. I hope this ends his career cause i cant stand lookin at him now. How could you do your family that way ? :withstupid:
Honestly i am. I thought he was a stand up guy with real values till now. He seemed grounded with a good head on his shoulders. Now everyone knows the truth and i hope he is humiliated like he made his family and fans. This story is more and more disgusting as it comes out.
Dont even get me started on Obama. :nono: I could go on for days with that one. Im gonna end up on blood pressure medicine before im 27 !
All his values left him when his Dad passed away.
I'm not going to get into bashing Tiger, we all have faults---some just more publicized than others. I actually have a lot of respect for him since he never jumped onto the Obama fact, I bet he is a closet-conservative (his dad was military special ops). So from me, that gets him some slack (Russ, please no "slack in the rope" jokes:))

But here is what bothers me about the whole deal: he DOWNGRADED!! I mean, as objectively as possible, he quite literally might be married to one of the hottest women in the universe. A true, natural platinum blonde, bikini model, etc. I don't know that I could count on one hand the women that I'd find more attractive than her. Have you seen these skanks he was with!?!? They ALL have the classic "rode hard,put away wet/ puffy fake lips bar skank" looks. The one bikini model was hot...but the rest were a potpourri of fake lips, fake boobs, fake tans, etc. etc. etc. Even with all of their upgrades, they pale in comparison to his wife.

I hope she teaches him a lesson and he comes home one day and catches her in a threesome with Vijay Singh and Tim "Lumpy" Herron.
I want to know why He and Jackson still have the title of Rev? This may get a little racial, but when has he ever given the gospel, let alone give the gospel to a white person or a person other than from his own race?

I say shame on him for promoting black nationalism instead of service to humankind itself. I guess when he passes one day they will mention all of the "African American" lives he touched rather than people in general.

Would he like to be considered the greatest "Black" rev or just plain old reverend. I am glad God does not judge according to what you did for a particular race because it sells yourself so short on what you could achieve...
The best payback would be with Phil and now Jesper would fit that bill well. Thats one person that absolutely gets under his skin

I'm not going to get into bashing Tiger, we all have faults---some just more publicized than others. I actually have a lot of respect for him since he never jumped onto the Obama fact, I bet he is a closet-conservative (his dad was military special ops). So from me, that gets him some slack (Russ, please no "slack in the rope" jokes:))

But here is what bothers me about the whole deal: he DOWNGRADED!! I mean, as objectively as possible, he quite literally might be married to one of the hottest women in the universe. A true, natural platinum blonde, bikini model, etc. I don't know that I could count on one hand the women that I'd find more attractive than her. Have you seen these skanks he was with!?!? They ALL have the classic "rode hard,put away wet/ puffy fake lips bar skank" looks. The one bikini model was hot...but the rest were a potpourri of fake lips, fake boobs, fake tans, etc. etc. etc. Even with all of their upgrades, they pale in comparison to his wife.

I hope she teaches him a lesson and he comes home one day and catches her in a threesome with Vijay Singh and Tim "Lumpy" Herron.
I'm not going to get into bashing Tiger, we all have faults---some just more publicized than others. I actually have a lot of respect for him since he never jumped onto the Obama fact, I bet he is a closet-conservative (his dad was military special ops). So from me, that gets him some slack (Russ, please no "slack in the rope" jokes:))

But here is what bothers me about the whole deal: he DOWNGRADED!! I mean, as objectively as possible, he quite literally might be married to one of the hottest women in the universe. A true, natural platinum blonde, bikini model, etc. I don't know that I could count on one hand the women that I'd find more attractive than her. Have you seen these skanks he was with!?!? They ALL have the classic "rode hard,put away wet/ puffy fake lips bar skank" looks. The one bikini model was hot...but the rest were a potpourri of fake lips, fake boobs, fake tans, etc. etc. etc. Even with all of their upgrades, they pale in comparison to his wife.

I hope she teaches him a lesson and he comes home one day and catches her in a threesome with Vijay Singh and Tim "Lumpy" Herron.

Not condoning what he did, because it was wrong. He should not have strayed from his marriage! However, she could be one of those type that thinks she is too hot to do anything (sexually) other than lay there. Could be like screwing the couch. Granted, a good looking, and I am sure great feeling sofa, but you get my drift?