Air bus US Scare Down in the Hudson!!

The Cleaner

Vetran Washer 30 Years Plus
Unreal that plane stayed in tact, and everyone got out!!:eek: :eek:
i just saw the coverage of that . Thats awesome every one got out.
thats why I fly southwest !
thats why I fly southwest !

How would that matter, It was engine"s failure due to a flock of Geese, this pilot glided down an Airbus on the Hudson River!!
Thats 10 minutes from me, thats some crazy stuff. Between the ferries to NYC and the NYPD Harbor boats and the coast guard in the area, those people are very lucky to have the boats available to get them to shore, to medical treatment and warned up. It was in the teens today and I am sure the water was basically freezing temp.
Great job by the pilot as well......I would think its retirement time for him, would not want to chance the odds a second time around.
This also reinforces why I hate flying......:eek:
My son is in Rego Park, which is 5 miles from LaGuardia. I am wondering what he has to say about it. It is amazing that he was able to do what he did without casualty. I say we give him a Gold Star.
The pilot,crew and water taxi and ferry captains are the heros.

A water landing at 150mph is like hitting concrete,this pilot pulled off a 1 in a 1,000,000 landing.
The crew followed procedure and only opened the front doors,that simple thing kept the plane floating.Opening the backdoors would have caused it to sink like a stone.
The water taxi and ferry captains diverted from the routes across the river and were on scene before NYFD or the Coast Guard were dispatched.
Ordinary people who did extraordinary things that save 155 lives.
This landing with 155 survivors is a miracle.
The pilot,crew and water taxi and ferry captains are the heros.

A water landing at 150mph is like hitting concrete,this pilot pulled off a 1 in a 1,000,000 landing.
The crew followed procedure and only opened the front doors,that simple thing kept the plane floating.Opening the backdoors would have caused it to sink like a stone.
The water taxi and ferry captains diverted from the routes across the river and were on scene before NYFD or the Coast Guard were dispatched.
Ordinary people who did extraordinary things that save 155 lives.
This landing with 155 survivors is a miracle.

I say good for NY they went through a lot during 9/11 and they fought to save people and dig out our lost, today they all came together again and not a single person was lost. NY and our country needed a good story with a happy ending and we sure as heck got it today. They are all heroes thats for sure

Can you imagine landing a jetliner on a darn river, just wild. It was a miracle
Your right jeff this was a great start for a new year, glad to see N.Y. on top again!! I love that City..There is no place like it!!
Definitely a miracle and an A+ to the men and woman who responded to save all of those passengers.
I'm amazed no one got a video of it actually landing on the water. That would really be something to see. What its going 150MPH or more it had to skim across the water for a ways and then boat right through. man I would like to see that.

And they have been cutting pilots wages, these guys are some real TRAINED professionla, I think this needs a raise. I bet he was pretty cool and focused when he did this , he had minutes. I hope he does a long interview so we can see it