Advertising? Help!


New member
Hey guys I'm having trouble advertising for roof cleaning. Right now I only have flyers that I'm taking to homes. There is a subdivision I'd like to hit up and I figured I'd do half of a house put a sign in the yard. So the neighorhood could see the difference. Then I thought about telling each homeowner if they got a referral to another person then I'd cut 50 of there price. What kind of ways did you guys use? I haven't put up a website yet, cause I'm not sure how. Thanks.
Get a website: $6 per month
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In our area you can get a nice looking billboard on the highway for 2-3 hundred bucks a month. Florida may be a lot higher though,


Drive all around handing out fliers: $$$ per month in fuel.

I have a website at

Its a pain setting it up, mine looks like CRAP right now but its a lot cheaper. OK, $5 cheaper per month. Go with yahoo. Its really easy there.
I get about 80% off of my website. The rest is word of mouth.
Hey guys I'm having trouble advertising for roof cleaning. Right now I only have flyers that I'm taking to homes. There is a subdivision I'd like to hit up and I figured I'd do half of a house put a sign in the yard. So the neighorhood could see the difference. Then I thought about telling each homeowner if they got a referral to another person then I'd cut 50 of there price. What kind of ways did you guys use? I haven't put up a website yet, cause I'm not sure how. Thanks.

DONT CUT YOUR PRICE 50%. That will start ruining it for everyone.