Addressing Tampa, Fl Area Homeowners Association Meeting Tonight

Apple Roof Cleaning

Roof Cleaning Instructor
We got a call two weeks ago asking us to address a Tampa Homeowners Association Meeting.
I said yes, I would come and educate the residents of this Tampa Community.
I have addressed plenty of Homeowners Associations in my 15 years in the Roof Cleaning Business.
Tonight, the residents will learn WHAT is making their roof black, and how we clean it safely.
They will learn this Algae is spread by invisible microscopic spores.
In short, my job will be to educate them, and teach them what most here already know.
I really like public speaking.
Of course, I will also be able to tell and show them why we believe they should hire us :)
Let me know if you need some buisness cards to hand out...LOL
It would be awesome if it was video taped, or someone took the minutes from it, so that us little guys can see how the pros address Homeowners associations.:)
We got a call two weeks ago asking us to address a Tampa Homeowners Association Meeting.
I said yes, I would come and educate the residents of this Tampa Community.
I have addressed plenty of Homeowners Associations in my 15 years in the Roof Cleaning Business.
Tonight, the residents will learn WHAT is making their roof black, and how we clean it safely.
They will learn this Algae is spread by invisible microscopic spores.
In short, my job will be to educate them, and teach them what most here already know.
I really like public speaking.
Of course, I will also be able to tell and show them why we believe they should hire us :)

This is how ya do it!!
Thanks Guys.
This meeting was a LITTLE different.
This Homeowners Association actually only suggests, not demands, roof cleaning for it's residents.
IOW, the residents have a CHOICE to clean, or not to clean their roofs.
And Yes Scott, it should have been videotaped because I had plenty of Coffee in me :eek:

I told them what the problem was, and how it is spread by the wind/birds/etc from roof to roof.
Then I asked the question "If you had a child with Tuberculosis, would you send him to school" ?
Everyone answered "NO"
So then I told them that if some people cleaned their roofs, and others did not, that the dirty roofs would re infect their neighbors clean roofs.

You ought to have SEEN their faces.

They asked me "how much"

And I answered "Depends"

"On What" they said

"On the AMOUNT of people wanting roof cleaning"

This subdivision only has 77 homes.
If we only get 10 percent, that is about 8 roofs.
8 roofs times 300 dollars is 2400.00

Not bad for running my mouth for 1/2 an hour ?
sounds like you did some great teaching as well as presenting them the set-up to hire you. Well done! Being that I am stuck in a homeowners ring on my street they have strict rules and get pissy over the smallest things. You gave me a great idea though to pursue in the future once I get some more experience under my belt.
Too bad they didn't DEMAND the roofs be cleaned. That really could have propelled your income.
I LOVE Boiled Peanuts !

They DO demand roofs be cleaned, just not THIS Tampa Homeowners Association, Nate.
This association is very unusual for the Tampa, FL area.
Most don't ASK you to clean your roof, they TELL you "Clean Your Roof" or else!
They DO demand roofs be cleaned, just not THIS Tampa Homeowners Association, Nate.
This association is very unusual for the Tampa, FL area.
Most don't ASK you to clean your roof, they TELL you "Clean Your Roof" or else!

How do we lobby the HOA's to demand it? I have talked to some managers about it, and they tell me that its not a big deal to have dirty roofs. My dad owns a front door refinishing company, and HOA's demand they have them refinished. His doors ruun from $329-$599, so roofs are not much more expensive and make a hell of alot more difference. I cleaned the roof of a HOA member that used to live in Jacksonville, FL, and he said he lobbied the HOA's there to no avail. Him and I are working on his HOA to get them to understand it. But it seems to be falling on deaf ears...
How do we lobby the HOA's to demand it? I have talked to some managers about it, and they tell me that its not a big deal to have dirty roofs. My dad owns a front door refinishing company, and HOA's demand they have them refinished. His doors ruun from $329-$599, so roofs are not much more expensive and make a hell of alot more difference. I cleaned the roof of a HOA member that used to live in Jacksonville, FL, and he said he lobbied the HOA's there to no avail. Him and I are working on his HOA to get them to understand it. But it seems to be falling on deaf ears...
I did a LOT of hard Work Scott, addressed a LOT of HOA meetings to educate the residents.
It takes a LOT of work,, and time.
Gee my post is missing????

We have attended four HOA meetings in 08.

I love going to HOA meetings and answering questions.

We cleaned 40 tile roofs with our non pressure roof cleaning system in Jan.

Did they invite you or do you petition to speak to them?
This is a great idea. It would also be great if someone did tape a meeting and U tube it.
The homeowners were all pretty nice at this meeting.
I have addressed many Tampa Homeowners Association meetings over the years.
Some residents have been under the misguided assumption WE turned them in.:eek: