Adam - "computerbytes"

Mike Hughes

Former Board Administrator
Please accept my sincerest apology for my negative comments regarding the logo you designed.

It was a poor choice of words, and expressed emotions that weren't really intended for you.

I still dont understand why we even need a new logo. Ron took that upon himself, which is not really a problem for me.............however, the first logo I saw had that muscle guy in it......and it just didnt reflect what I thought best represented the board.

I'm told it was just for fun, or whatever..........and not really intended to be a logo for the board. That's my fault for only knowing half the story..........or is it? A new logo was never was just all of a sudden being designed.

Apparently, I missed an email from Ron somewhere along the way that may have enlightened me further. I've been getting a lot of spam mail lately, and its possible it got mixed up with that.

It took me by suprise, and I reacted in a way I regret.

You do fine work, and if I would give the upmost in courtesy as far as constructive criticism ...........if only we were all on the same page............but we werent.

Lets put this behind us now. i'm sorry for the misunderstanding.
i accept

i accept your apology i thought we should have a new logo so ill be working on a couple and we will vote which one is best or none of them or we can keep the old logo anyways thanks again for the apology and we will put it behind us.