A Honda got real personal with my trailer last night

Daniel H

New member
I was backing in my driveway last night like I do a everyday, and out of no where a little honda hit the side of my trailer. It knocked my trailer about 4 feet in air, this is not a regular built trailer it is 14 foot long small "low boy" I converted into my pw'ing trailer really heavy duty. It knocked off my cold water machine and a hose reel and knocked my axles out of whack. At least my skid and tank stayed on. He said he was only doing 30 mph but I think he was going a lot faster. The kicker is the law in the state of Tennessee says it was my fault, cause it is illegal to back a trailer across a line of traffic without 2 flagmen stopping traffic, you cant even legally back a car out of your driveway from what the trooper explained to me. but the good thing is no one was hurt!


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Sorry to hear about that Daniel.

I would have the city install some speed humps close to where you live to slow down those pos cars, too many speeding around all the time these days.

Where I live there are a lot of speed humps in residential streets and you see scrapes all over them where people don't see them and are driving too fast. I hope it tears the oil pan off the engine and burns up the block.

Wish I had some advice for you, you are a nice guy but I would probably speak to an attorney and see if there is anything he can do since the guy was obviously driving faster than that to do that kind of damage to the trailer and his car, especially since his car is very light. Maybe he has a history of speeding and that might change things if you wanted to go to small claims court.

Good luck.
Thats a stinker sorry to hear about that Daniel. Obviously he was speeding and not paying attention or he would have seen your trailer in the middle of the road.