9 new fast food locations

Danny Bates

New member
I just got confirmation on 9 fast food locations (Mexican Fast Food)starting Jan 1. I was approached while I was working by a District Manager who was over a new location that just opened up right next to where I was working. I gave him a bid for that location, he just called me and wants me to do them all. He said he liked what he saw at the location I was working at.:dance3:
That is great, Congratulations!
Good job Danny! way to go
Yeah that would be funny but it's mexican food places. There are 32 of them here in DFW i'm working on getting them all. Not Taco Bell!!

Now that would be muy mucho "Bueno!". :thumbup2:
It's only 9 to start with on a monthly. The good thing is that they don't open till 10:30am, So I got time to do them before they open instead of at night. Thats why I love restraunts.

Thanks for the response

Trying to figure time for a location Danny, I want to figure out where my average production speed falls for seasoned pw companies doing fast food.
What areas of the fast food restaurant are you doing?

Sidewalks, drivethru, dumpster?

And the Patio area and head in parking spots. Some of them have no patio and some have no head in parking. I'm taking the good with the bad. It turned out to be 38 locations. I got them all.
Nice Danny, keep up the good work