My city made the list.
We have been through the drought thing a few times now and they want to build another pipeline to another large lake further up north-east like the one they did before but now with the Eagleford Shale, prices for land and everything else is going through the roof.
There have been some people talking a while back about using a desalination plant like what they have in Tampa. Does anyone know what that plant in Tampa cost to build? How many gallons of water per day it makes? Other info? I looked online and there were all kinds of reports, especially about the problem with building it and costs and other stuff but no basic numbers like what it cost to build, how much water it makes, how much waste it creates, etc....
I think that if we had the info about the desalination plant then maybe they would maybe think about it and take a look into that direction. We have a bay of water and the gulf of mexico right here, all the water we would ever need.
I know ships have those small plants on them to make drinking water so they can be done in all different sizes, just wondering if anyone has the info about the one in Tampa.