8 years later, would you believe it would be like this?

Tony Shelton

BS Detector, Esquire
Pat Buchanan has a good article here about how polarized the country is:


Here's a crazy thought for everyone:

After 150 years is the time right for secession?

It's been 150 years since Abraham Lincoln overstepped his bounds and forced unwilling subjects to be a part of a union they chose to remove themselves from. (If anyone thinks the Abraham Lincoln fought to end slavery, you need to read some of the 1000 or more books and quotes that show Lincoln's goal was to preserve the Union and ending slavery was a byproduct of that win.)

What would have happened if Lincoln had just allowed the secession without interference?

Here are my thoughts:
1) The US (north) would have experienced a great period of growth similar to what the whole nation experienced in the 100 years after the war. The northeast would have taxed itself to poverty by now.
2) The Confederacy (south) would have enjoyed a short period of victory, but the inhumane conditions of slavery as practiced during that time would have eventually raised the heads of freedom again and I predict that slavery would have ended by the early 1900's anyway. The demise of slavery would have been devastating to the economy and the South would probably just be recovering from it by the 1950's.

I believe that the two would have to work together on defense just like European countries did in other wars and still do today.

Today, once again our country is divided. Nothing will ever get done as long as the floaters (undecided voters) keep deciding elections. We have two parties that stand for two completely opposing ideals. The floaters go back and forth because they let a few snippets from the news and a zillion dollars worth of campaign commercials influence the way they vote. The opposing parties in Washington are like BLACK and WHITE. Their beliefs are THAT far apart. It's impossible to go back from one to the other if you are educated on the parties beliefs and have any solid core beliefs yourself.

There is a fix for this.

Secession. OOOOOOOOOOHHHH. Scary - Crazy - right? Why so? Since when do two completely opposite thinking groups HAVE to live under one flag?

I absolutely despise everything the democrat party stands for. I'm sure they despise me. I don't want to live with them. They don't want to live with me.
I respect any democrat who makes the decision to be that ignorant and sticks with it.

I have no respect for the floaters. (If you have floated i.e. Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama - etc. I've said it before and I'll say it again, you most likely are the reason our country is broken now.)

Next time you come to a fork in the road while driving see how your method of politics applies to driving. Left,Right,Left,right --what happens? YOU HIT THE TREE!!

I Am I stepping on toes? I hope so. Choose a side and stick with it.

If you have been a floater, it may not be too late. Even I was a floater once. But the days for uneducated, TV commercial driven voting either have to end or this country will end.

Is it time to come up with a new country or countries so we can have the choice where to live where, once you step over that border you know that the law in that country is predominantly in agreement with your own conscience? That is the way the STATES are supposed to be set up. The constitution of the US is a BRILLIANT document but the US government hasn't followed it as a guideline since Lincoln broke it.

Anybody have any thoughts on this?
There are always going to be those who ride on the backs of the real americans, and those who do nothing but tell us whats good for us!! I say forget what was and lets move forward to remove the scurge and corrupt government.

We can do this without violence in a orderly fashion by going to the poles next election and remove every single person serving in this government and start over. In the meanwhile we can eliminate as many corrupt org and politicians as we dig up the dirt and garbage they represent (ACORN). As the dominoes begin to fall lets hope it goes all the way to the top. There are so many different Idealologies in this country that it would have to be divided into 10 seperate countries to work, but that would only add that many more borders to watch.

I beleive that we will see a revolution in this country in the near future. The people can only be pushed for so long in the wrong direction until there's no more room to move and thier backs are up against the wall, then its fight or be crushed by the tyranny of a corrupt government!!