7 years old...... yikes

With the criticism getting louder, the girls' parents appeared on Good Morning America this morning to defend the routine. The parents are claiming that the video has been taken "out of context" and was not meant to be seen by a million people. In what context is this okay? The parents go on to say that the costumes are made for movement and completely appropriate for dance wear. They made no apologies for their stunning lack of judgment


Great...now I have to wipe my hard drive clean now to get the child porn off of it...Thanks....

Your now on a watch list for pedifiles :yikes:
id kill my kids dance instructor if she made her dance like a whore like that.
The video has been taken down...I miss all the good stuff. :banghead:
The video has been taken down...I miss all the good stuff. :banghead:

Uhm, no, no you don't. If I saw my daughter dancing like that, I would e beside myself, and likely my wife would kill her. Indefensible is what come to my mind.
I would NEVER let my kid do that. WHAT THE "F" WHERE THE PARENTS THINKING?? That should be investigated by DFACS. Seriously. And how can they say they didn't want people to watch it if it was performed in front of people? I don't care if it was 1 or a million people who saw it....WRONG WRONG WRONG.

AND...If I were Beyonce' I would freak...

just my $0.02