450k sq ft

how many machines? Just the one hot water washer you have at a rate of 2500 sq feet an hour for 450,000 sq feet will take you 7.5 days at 24 hours a day, so what ya got in mind to make it quicker? I know you have a plan, fill in the blanks so I can help you better. Also what about reclaim and filter?
your looking at 8/9 days with that set up.
Be careful of the oil socks, because that might not be sufficient for the authorities in your area.
Also, if water and recovery is not an issue, for one reason or another, after it is swept, hit it quick with the fire hose, then go after it with a surface cleaner. Then you can rinse it again. There are really a lot of variables in any garage, due to design and legal constraints. I would figure it at 9 man days, if it is just the floor, and there is no gum removal.
What about the walls, ceilings and columns, are those in the amount of concrete or extra or not wanted?

That is a lot of area, will part be closed so you can clean during the day or is it all nite work or only on weekends?