40 Inch Surface Cleaner Video

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
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Demo Video of 40" Vacuuming Surface Cleaner

Thanks Ron, for posting the vid..
We took it in a HUGE hurry, 'cause we had to get it shipped to Milwaukie,
for Paul to mount the deck in a mower.

The demo.. was on an "overly-sealed" concrete slab..
concrete that is NOT affected by 6000psi.. we've tried.
.. so you don't see it clean, until it gets off to the 2nd slab, right at the end on the clip.
you do get to see how fast I can push it without swirl-marks, and running at 98% capture
on 100ft hose..
For well leveled, flatwork, like warehouse floors, stadiums, shopping centers,

you can clearly push it, having it adjusted to capture impressively.
..backwards AND forwards.
In a mower, there's going to be a HUGE advantage..
the horsepower will "drag" the deck, right on the surface,
so 98% capture
on "less level" surfaces becomes easy too.

I would NOT sell it with a handle for parking garage cleaning,
except maybe to a 7ft. Samoan linebacker.
Line up a mower.. walkbehind, of a rider, with a 40 to 48" cutting deck,
install this SC40v, and "love to ride" your profits
all the way to the bank.
the system design requires an umbilical ..
There will be hoses attached,
being able to provide the efficiency and simplicity
for a reliable "run in the race".
You need all that.. WITH an affordable price,
amidst a recession.

we ran 10gpm through 25degr. nozzles,
but 12gpm through 15 drgree would do Deeper, Fast cleaning..
..where required, and Like a mower needs to go.
I have seen that with my eyes.
Actually, I think it would handle 14gpm with close to total reclaim.

Let's get it in that mower. EH?
ALL... COME SEE IT in Milwalkie
Great video Jerry, can't wait to see it and try it out in Milwaukee.
It will be great to see you again Ron.

I will be buying my plane ticket this week as soon as this large check clears the bank. hahahahaha

I need to call Paul about some more info first.

Thanks for the call and quote on the new system Jerry!
The deck and recovery system arrived yesterday and I picked up the walk behind mower today. I hope to have it all together before the weekend for a video demo to be posted soon.
Thanks for the info Jerry.