30 years of build up???


facilisales Machine
This place was a kitchen in a small 30 year old amusement park.
Pizza burgers and fries - 2 seperate systems.
No access to any of the ducts (nobody but me has told them that there is no access)- upblast fans are sealed shut on the roof too.

There is a sticker indicating a cleaning in 2002 from a large national company (I won't post the sticker).......There were a few stickers under the top one so they have been out there more than once.

30 years of grease in there.....when I pulled the filter on the pizza system I was thinking to myself, "This one is just a pizza oven - how bad could it be??". :eek:
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Must have been a few other things uner that hood at one time or another.
Broiler? Fryer? Prep-stove?
Besides Chris dont you know, PIZZA OVENS DONT ACCUMULATE GREASE :eek: . LOL ;)
I start laughing now days when they say, Its just a pizza hood or its really not that bad.Then you know your in for a long night.