3 way tie for 1st?

I am probably going to have a run off. I have been really busy and have not had time to take care of it.

Sorry squirt,I went back to vote for ya but see I'm to late,Flathead done turn'd it off.I thought I would rem'ber to vote for ya before dead line but man I forgot al'bout it,atleast I didn't say I'd been to busy....I'll make sure to this time in the run off dat is if MR. Stone isn't out blooding anybodys nose.
ron p

hey thanks bigboy dont care much bout winning or loseing but sometimes its nice to know if you helped or not.
We dont get as much feedback on stuff you tryed to help people with.
by the way what other uses you got for that compressor? in the PW'S stuff that is
would you ever mount one on your rig?
ifen ya idealer had been a butt plug I was still going to vote far'ya.

I cann't say much here b/c I didn't vote either "got losted in time" but the "the new contest got 472 views"..the 'contest vote got 130 views' and only 14 people voted. .Now say you clicked on it 3 or 4 times and I clicked on it 3 or 4 times it wouldn't take long for 10 or so people clicking on it to put 130 views on it,right,(I'm usaully am.,,,,.;).

"bigboy dont care much bout winning or loseing"= yel thats the reason I didn't vote on my first click which I should have but I was going to make a game of it as in trying to make you a winner but instead I got lost in the game,sorry for drop'ing the ball.

Did you know air is sharpest thing on earth,it goes though cloth without cutting it,sometimes it'll stin'k when it comes out the other'side.Yes I would ,many many use for it,you know that,put ya thinking cap on man,it'll make some wash jobs go faster and cleaner.NOT going to give to many more hints on things though the t'reads unless you can read between the lines,sometime my 'gut' hurts when I drink to much chocit'milk but feel much better when some air is let out.

Did you learn anything from dat pro washing the house? did he do a ok job ? Could you have done a better job? Where could he have done a better job?.........take your answers to the t'read you have started on the house washing guy ifen you don't care.
