2 more down the tube's..

The Cleaner

Vetran Washer 30 Years Plus
Just heard today that Circut City and DHL are chapter 11. Hope this trend ends soon.:confused:
I heard about Circuit City but did not know about DHL.

I really liked DHL, the drivers were always very courteous and I never had a damaged box with them or broken merchandise.

That is too bad.
DHL is laying off 9000 in the US. I did not hear anything about them filing for bankruptcy protection.
They just finished building two best buys in our location. They are closing down before even opening.
If anybody is looking for a cargo van DHL will have some for sale :D

I was thinking the same thang :p

DHL around here all look like a bunch of gang bangers that just got paroled. Half the time they weren't wearing any kind of a uniform or anything...
When was the last time if ever you heard of such a thing coming from a US President? Never in my life time and lets hope it does not happen.

I mean what are Cops and our Military we all ready have for? Now for some reason we need a armed private army running around for what? Me sees bad things coming our way.

How about this crap going on in Minnesota ......... Makes you wonder what the hell is going on in our country right now. Votes just keep apearing and they have not even done a recount yet, CAN YOU SAY FRAUD :mad:

I see a cival war commng :eek:

Not only is it comming, but it is needed. We need to free our nation of all the corruption and garbage that is running our great country into the ground :mad:
Now I'm hearing this money that they gave to the banks for bad loans are being use for stuff it was not suppost to be use for GO FIGURE, anytime it's a free hand out we get Corruption or is it The CHANGE they Voted for LOL

AH Yes Change, I see it coming now, lots of Change.