JL Pressure Washing
Here's a 10 story high dryvit building we did Monday. Another one with a lot of mold & mildew to remove. We used the same 125 foot lift from the job the week before. Had 1 day rental left. I originally quoted this for renting an 80ft lift. Since I had a day left on the 125 footer I asked this property if I could move the date up from Wednesday to Monday, saved me a days 80 foot rental, a lot more $$$ in my pocket and I took a couple hundred off their bill.
This cleaned up real nice, the foot print of this building was real small, they just wanted the front done, we cleaned this in 3 hours, set up to roll Easy$$$$
Here's some before & after pics

This cleaned up real nice, the foot print of this building was real small, they just wanted the front done, we cleaned this in 3 hours, set up to roll Easy$$$$
Here's some before & after pics