#1 reason to clean your roof?

Scott D.

If a customer called you and asked you "what is the #1 reason to clean my roof"? What would you tell them? Im looking for a great big

"THE #1 REASON TO CLEAN YOUR ROOF IS..." for my front page on my website.

Is it:

1. Asthetics
2. Roof will last longer
3. Health
4. Something else?
Add years to the life of your roof!

Your Roof protects you, Why not protect your Roof!

Reduce the cost of your energy bills for cooling your home!

Just a couple of ideas. Hope this helps a bit Scott...
Having once been on the customer's side needing my roof cleaned, I can say that I did it purely for aesthetics. It's really the only thing that the customer can immediately identify with as a real benefit. Think about it, how many customers really look at your work and go, "Wow thanks for stopping the granule loss" OR "Man I'm gonna possibly save an extra $10 bucks on my electricity now". Not likely. Clearly there are other justifications, some that you could make a good argument are even more important like extending roof life as you say, but you're not given the opportunity to make that case in a one line benefit statement.

That said, I think you might be able to craft a statement that covers aesthetics AND the damage it's doing to the roof.

Something like this
"THE #1 REASON TO CLEAN YOUR ROOF IS..." to wash away the ugly black algae stains causing damage to your shingles

Then maybe follow up with a sub-heading that says:

DON'T WAIT! Take Action Now! You'll be the envy of the neighborhood.

For many customers we're still going to have to do a lot of eduction in the pre-sale, not just why they should choose a roof cleaner that really knows what they're doing. With that in mind, we need to embrace it and not get frustrated with the ignorance, make them feel as though they are "one-upping" their neighbors with a service that others don't even really know about yet.
i think it depends on the customer!!!

young couple in the burbs do it for the look . . . .

old couple in the country do it for the health . . .

middle age finacially smart family do it to save em money . . .

all about finding the buyers hot button . . ..

you don't try to sell a soccer mom looking for a mini van a 3500 Cummins 4x4

A clean roof is a happy roof...Why you ask?
Looks like new.
Roof eating mold spores are gone.
Will last longer when clean.
top ten sounds good

A top 10 list gets to each individual HO. I think maybe I'll get a top 10 list of my cards next time... anyone have something like that on their Web site?????? :confused:


(I personally like the "I need $" response best... but no so much in the marketing end of things).
Mine is a little different but I do explain what can happen (damages etc...) of not cleaning roofs and or pressure washing on my web site. http://www.softroofwash.com I also have a bunch of ways to avoid property damage due to improper cleaning methods done by some, right on the front page courtousy of Jeff (JL)...from a flyer he had drawn up a few weeks ago. (and yes I asked if I could use it) Jeff is a great guy. I really hope to be abl;e to attend the MB RT in September and meet him and everyone else.:)
Larry you gotta go to Myrtle Beach man its gonna be a blast!!!

Im gonna try DJ. Our anniversary is in October and we always try to get away if possible. Normally we go to TN and catch the folliage. Thats one of the things I miss most about living up north. We love going to the mountains. Anyway, hopfully things work out and we can make it. If we go we're gonna drive up and stay for a few days. I'de really like to meet all the guys and put some faces to the names...:D
Roof Cleaning positively impacts the homeowner in EVERY WAY.

1.Enhanced Curb Appeal- Lets face it. A streaky, dirty, stained roof gives any structure a BLACK EYE. Remove the stain or "Bruise" and the property will shine and look better.

2. Increased Longevity. You add life to the roofing system and keep it performing at its very best.

3. Decreased Utility Costs

4. Cleaning all the roofs in a neighborhood reduces re-infestation and substantially reduces and delays the need to re-clean sooner than is necessary.

5. Not cleaning your roof after the next door neighbor has JUST had his cleaned and protected is not very neighborly as algae spores can become easily airborne and can spread by wind, birds, etc. and you could be inadvertently re-infesting a clean neighbors roof without knowing it.

6. Can increase resale value of a home as you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

7. Well kept, good looking, clean homes sell faster and in this market selling homeowners need all the help they can get.

8. Sick House Syndrome is a real epidemic and studies have confirmed that mold and mildew within living areas can be a likely cause many millions of missed work days around the globe, and can possibly be the cause of many undiagnosable flu like symptoms that homeowners get from these types of even MILD exposures. Cleaning and treating a roof that has been severely dirty may reduce the risk of developing SHS.

9. Roof Replacement is one of the larger home improvement cost an owner will eventually pay for and to be able to extend the life of an expensive roofing systems by not months but by years can delay having a roofing system fail at the worst possible time. When you need the money the most.

10. Because during the cleaning you will go above and beyond the call and provide the homeowner with a complete and thourogh overview of any damage or loose shingles or loose nails during your pre-clean inspection and you make the homeowner very aware that this is performed at no charge and is all part of the service that shows you are looking out for your potential customer and that shows you are a professional and are looking out for their long term interests...on your dime, and if repairs are needed they are done before you clean so you reduce your liebility and the homeowner lessens the chance of unnecessary damage. Also that it is VERY INEXPENSIVE as compared to PREMATURE roof replacement.

These are my top 10.
How, about if they can only afford a Yugo? LOL