Search results

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    Established PW Biz FOR SALE in Gainesville, FL

    I am looking to move out of the area and have a great full time job lined up where I am moving to so I figured I would see if there was someone who would want to buy my business. I have been in the Gainesville, FL area now for 7 years so the business is well established with repeat customers...
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    Established PW Biz FOR SALE in Gainesville, FL

    I am looking to move out of the area and have a great full time job lined up where I am moving to so I figured I would see if there was someone who would want to buy my business. I have been in the Gainesville, FL area now for 7 years so the business is well established with repeat customers...
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    Ride on Surface Cleaner

    I have heard others talk about it before but I cant seem to find anything in the search. Does anyone out there know where to rent these units I have a lot of 5 story parking garages to clean and the walk behind surface cleaners would be too slow for these sized areas 200,000+ sq ft each. Any...
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    Removing Resurfaced Concrete

    Hey has anyone out there had a job where alot of the areas of a resurfaced driveway are coming up? I have a customer who wants the rest of the surface layer removed because it looks so bad since so much has come off it is coming up in 2-4 sq ft areas about 1/16" thick, all over different areas...
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    Low PSI

    My pressure has dropped it is supposed to be 4.5gpm@3500psi and running my same tips on the wand and surfacecleaner, yesterday I noticed the Gauge was only reading about 2000psi. I mean it still cleaned real well did not even have to go slower with the surface cleaner only place I noticed...
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    Delco's BB

    IF any of you go to Delco's BB and you have any technical knowledge of how to fix my mistake COULD YOU PLEASE DO SO? I was trying to make the title of my post scroll with alittle knowledgible help from the wrong person and ended up making the complete BB scroll across the screen. Thank You if...
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    Credit Card Machine, pressure washing

    VeriFone TRANZ 420 :cool: Performance you can take with you anywhere in the world. With its integrated printer, slide-in memory cartridge and long-term battery backup, TRANZ 420 is one compact transaction system that doesn't compromise performance. It even runs on the power supplied by your...
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    Blast Master/Cleaner Times

    Anyone else out there that still has not received the recent issues, I still haven't received anything just curious if I was the only one.:confused:
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    Amanda Logo Help?

    Amanda, Ron suggested I forward my request for help with my logo to you. I have a general idea of what I want just haven't the time to play with it much, the company name is Safe Clean and on my website the name has a water effect background I would like to implement the water effect somehow...
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    Anyone doing local Walgreens? Who is the one to talk to is it store manager or do you have to go through the regional manager! Thanks for any Assistance!:cool:
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    Swimming Pools

    Has anyone else out there had a customer ask if you can remove the black stains from the walls and bottom of a swimming pool? If so has anyone attempted to clean it themselves, any luck? Is acid the way to go, and how do you go about estimating the price/cost? I would not even normally even...
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    Happy Birthday Doug Miller!

    Happy B-Day Doug! Enjoy only one more year until the BIG 30! :D :) :p ;) :cool: Andrew/Safe Clean:cool: Let's see some posting going on now it's been more than a month since you joined.
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    Happy Birthday Julie C.

    Happy Birthday Julie! :D ;) :cool: :p :) Andrew/Safe Clean
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    Phone Book Suggestions?

    Hey fellow pressure washers I have never run an ad in the phone book before, never had to word of mouth and flyers and referrals have always worked in the past but I have recently moved and having trouble getting steady work. What type of ad should I run 1 line, Small Box,Large Box, 1/4 page Ad...
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    Please Any Suggestions

    Hey fellow pressure washers I have never run an ad in the phone book before, never had to word of mouth and flyers and referrals have always worked in the past but I have recently moved and having trouble getting steady work. What type of ad should I run 1 line, Small Box,Large Box, 1/4 page Ad...
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    Opinions PLEASE!

    Hey fellow pressure washers I have never run an ad in the phone book before, never had to word of mouth and flyers and referrals have always worked in the past but I have recently moved and having trouble getting steady work. What type of ad should I run 1 line, Small Box,Large Box, 1/4 page Ad...
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    Shurflo pumps Great Price

    Hey guys thought I'd let you know NorthernTool has a great price on the 3gpm shurflo I have heard guys say they buy them locally for 125-150 and Northern sells them for 79.99 and shiping is only between 4-7.00 Just wanted to share my findings. I will try to post a link to their site below...
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    Shurflo Pumps Great Price

    Hey guys thought I'd let you know NorthernTool has a great price on the 3gpm shurflo I have heard guys say they buy them locally for 125-150 and Northern sells them for 79.99 and shiping is only between 4-7.00 Just wanted to share my findings. I will try to post a link to their site below...
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    ShurFlo Pump

    Any body ever have any problems with the shurflo not being able to carry a full prime? Mine works great while spraying a roof then halfway through it drops back to half pressure and even completely stops flowing at all, and then carries halfprime again only does this every once in a while but...
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    WIZ Please Help

    Wiz you said I either had a Deublin Swivel or stainless adjustable tip type bearings and seals on my whisper wash 18". I would like to know what to look for to know which type I have this is my first surface cleaner and I dont really know much about how their made to know what to look for...