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Search results

  1. Mark

    NEW RGV40 Hydro Tek 425 CFM Vac Recovery

    New Gas Powered Vacuum Recovery Unit by Hydro Tek the RGV40, with 425 cfm run two vacuum hoses for serious recovery. Check out the video, and call Easy Clean Systems for more info: Recover wash water from your pressure washer up to 350' away and automatically pump out to waste tank...
  2. Mark

    Submit Your Mess For A Chance To Win $500

    Show us worst of the worst. From hog confinements to oil derricks, from paving crews to fleet maintenace, we want to see it all. Because Mess Quest is here to answer a simple question: How bad can it get? Click here for more info: $500 winner MEET...
  3. Mark

    New Vacuum Surface Cleaner

    As requested: New ANTV5 Vacuum Surface Cleaner From Hydro Tek Special Pricing Available call 800 292-3279 View video: New Hydro Tek Vacuum Recovery Surface Cleaner - YouTube ANTV5 - Vacuum Surface Cleaner FEATURES: Use with your existing pressure washer and vacuum system Up to 4000 psi...
  4. Mark

    New and improved Hydro Tek AZV / RZV series vacuum filtration series

    Check out the new and improved Hydro Tek Azv / RZV wash capture & filtration series: The AZV/RZV mobile wash water filtration series has been updated. In addition to a sleek new look and simpler bag change design, the specifications have been improved to offer more bang for your buck...
  5. Mark

    Free Water Containment berms & mat............

    Check out this special Free water containment bundle with the purchase of Hydro Vacuum unit. See attached pdf file below. YouTube - Pressure Washer Water Recovery
  6. Mark

    Best Management Practices for Pressure Washing...........

    Best Management Practices for Pressure Washing........... I thought you would want to see the latest version of Best Management Practices For Pressure Washing and Surface Cleaning, in the greater Sacramento area. (Released December 2008)...
  7. Mark

    No Water Wasted 2008 Special

    "No Water Wasted" package includes: Hydro Tek SC30005VH hot water skid with on-board generator T200n single axle trailer with NEW integrated storage tray to hold vac hose and wand -1- High pressure stainless steel hose reel AZV55 Vacuum/filtration system for water recovery/reuse 22"...
  8. Mark

    Free Seminar Focuses on Water Conservation

    Here is a press release that regarding our Wash, Capture & Recycle Symposium: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Mark McIntyre 916 638-0828 Free Seminar Focuses on Water Conservation ‘Wash, Capture & Recycle Symposium’ Features Equipment & Techniques To Maximize Efficiency, Economy &...
  9. Mark

    Happy Birthday David Saulque :eek: David, Happy Birthday :) Have a Great birthday, give me a call next week.
  10. Mark

    Cool Drive Pressure Washer

    Easy Clean Systems proudly brings you the Cool Drive Pressure Washer Running 25% Cooler Than any other belt drive. 25% Longer Pump Life. Features: Cool air is drawn through outer vents for cooling of pump. Laser aligned Patent Pending pulley fan system creates cooling air flow. This...
  11. Mark

    Sacramento Power Wash Workshop

    The Mobile Power Washer workshop will be held from 8:30 - 12:00 on Wednesday June 4th 2003. The workshop is being offered by Sacramento County Economic Development Business Environmental Resource Center and other county agencies. The workshop will be held at the Mather Commerce Center (AFB) at...
  12. Mark

    $1199 3500 PSI Belt Drive Cat Pump Pressure Washer

    RED HOT DEAL ON 3500 PSI BELT DRIVE WITH CAT PUMP SPECIAL PRICE GOOD THROUGH 12:00 Noon Wednesday 4/30/03 Model# PE-3513HWBSCAT Rated 4 GPM @ 3500 PSI 13 HP Honda GX series engine. Cat model 5CP3120 pump $1199.00* Plus Freight, California sales subject to sales tax. Standard Features *...
  13. Mark


    4000 PSI BELT DRIVE POWER WASHER $1199.00 13 HP Honda GX Series Engine Comet Belt Driven Pump Stainless Steel Cart Pneumatic Wheels 50' Hose, gun, lance Downstream Injector ******************* Also available on sale: 4 GPM @ 3500 PSI with Cat Pump $1399 :) *Offer valid through 3:00 PM...
  14. Mark

    Northern California Roundtable Meeting

    We will be hosting a Roundtable Meeting on Saturday 2/22/03 in Rancho Cordova (Sacramento) All those interested in attending please contact me for details. Time 12:30 PM until 3:30 PM. Location either Easy Clean Shop or a local eatery!
  15. Mark

    Power Brite Truck Wash Concentrate, Price Reduced

    We have reduced our price on Power Brite! Check it out: Applies between 50:1 and 100:1. Our most popular truck wash concentrate. Used as directed, it aggressively cleans painted surfaces without damage. Removes carbon stack stain and magnetic road film from tractors and trailers without...
  16. Mark

    Save The Pledge Of Allegiance! is trying to secure ten million signatures for the Constitutional Amendment to save the Pledge of Allegiance and our National Motto. This would be the most people to sign a petition in history! Help save our Pledge of Allegiance and National Motto! Please sign the petition and...
  17. Mark

    Hot HP Washers Skids and Trailer Mounted Rigs **New Brochures**

    I thought I would post these on-line brochures for any one wanting more info on our All American Premier Series Hot HP Washers. ***For Prices and availability give me a call.*** Premier Series Brochure (Adobe Acrobat pdf.file 328-K) Streamliner II Brochure (Tandem axle) 3.3MB pdf.file...
  18. Mark

    God outlawed from pledge of allegiance?

    Pledge Of Allegiance outlawed. Full Story Here! Seems people have forgot why this country was formed. I intend to take a stand! I will be contacting my state and federal representatives here! :mad: Pledge of Allegiance By Red Skelton History of our Pledge Of Allegiance
  19. Mark

    $1199 For a 3500 PSI Washer!

    BEST PRICE EVER! Model# PE-3513HWBSCAT Rated 4 GPM @ 3500 PSI 13 HP Honda GX series engine. Cat model 5CP3120 pump $1199.00* Plus Freight, California sales subject to sales tax. Standard Features * Belt Drive * Stainless-Steel Frame * 13" Tubed Pneumatic Tires * 50' Steel Braided Hose * 4...
  20. Mark

    Handy Formulas, and charts to help you!

    Here is some helpful information: Handy Charts & More ** CLICK HERE** HANDY FORMULAS AND CHARTS TO HELP YOU Q. How can I find the RPM needed to get the specific GPM (Gallons Per Minute) that I want? A. Needed RPM = Rated RPM x Desired GPM    ...