Search results

  1. bhenson

    New Shopping center

    I have the opportunity to bid on a new shopping center. The construction will be complete late October. I have a ball park figure on what the price per sq. ft. should be bidded at. I just want to make sure Im close to what you guys would bid it at. Thanks for all your help. Thsnks all, Bryan
  2. bhenson

    Setting up at at truck stop

    Ok I was wondering if any of you have ever set up at a truck stop and washed rigs. Living in Oklahoma City we have several truck stops. If you have ever done this I would like to know what approach you took to do this. What you charged for washing. Was it just soap then rinse or what other...
  3. bhenson

    How to get proposal in front of the property management company

    Ok we have spent the entire day measuring shopping centers in our area, hoping to get the proposals in for the 2010 budget. We will have all these proposals typed and ready to go by Wednesday. Now that the easy part is done, my questions is how do you get them in front of the property management...
  4. bhenson

    Auto Zone or O'Rileys

    Is anyone cleaning either AutoZone or O'Rileys? If so how did you go about getting them to do it? I had cold called some earlier in the week and was told that corp. wont let them clean because their customers cars leak oil on the lot daily so they have no need for the service. To me they would...