Search results

  1. tomtucson

    20mm rifle WOW!

    $6000 $10/bullet
  2. tomtucson

    Sir Roger Casement

    Mary Spring-Rice with Molly Childers, smuggling 900 German Mauser M1871 11 mm calibre single shot rifles and 29,000 rounds of blackpowder cartridges on board the Asgard, 1914. These rifles were later used in the Easter Rising of 1916 in Dublin. Today is the anniversary of the conviction of...
  3. tomtucson

    Burner nozzle for Hotsy 20 hp

    What size/pattern nozzle would go in a vertical burner off of a Hotsy with a 20 hp honda?
  4. tomtucson

    Tea Time!

    I am not exaggerating when I say ALL commercial properties in the entire South half of Arizona have mesquite trees and palo verde trees. They each have a trillion leaves the size of a tic tac and put out huge amounts of tiny flower parts and pollen also. This time of year properties are...
  5. tomtucson

    Floating surface cleaner 24" +

    Who makes floaters two feet or bigger? I like the look of the whirl a way and the price, have only seen 20". Wondering which is lightest? How long do the skirts last? How much are skirts? Whirl a ways seem to be branded a lot of different names. I have mainly seen General, whisper, whirl a way...
  6. tomtucson

    Go Alabama!

    SENATE BILL 93 Alabama Senate Bill 93 (SB93) declares that “All federal acts, laws, orders, rules, or regulations regarding firearms are a violation of the Second Amendment,” and therefore, “are invalid in this state, shall not be recognized by this state, are specifically rejected by this...
  7. tomtucson

    Mystery engine trouble

    Engine running fine. Can go hours or even days. Engine starts to bog and sounds rough like misfiring. Turn off and restart, engine runs ok again but not for long. Can do this repeatedly. While engine was bogging out, I pulled the boot off of one plug and it instantly smoothed out?? Changed...
  8. tomtucson

    How much pump will this run?

    3 cyl 26 hp caterpillar c1.1. $2,195 bare engine. Wondering how much gpm-psi this could put out?
  9. tomtucson

    Super Cherry Red Muffler

    I have Kohler Aegis 28's, and they have always had the hottest mufflers I have ever seen. Whole muffler glowing, I've shot it at up to 1200 deg. None of my other mufflers have ever been like that. Could they be running too lean? I don't remember the plugs looking out of line but If I was to...
  10. tomtucson

    Best Feinstein Pic

  11. tomtucson

    Better than coffee

    Can't hardly contain myself watching this - a real waker upper. This kid is making ascents in a matter of hours - NO ROPE - that were multiple day climbs. 100o ft, 2000 ft, 3000 ft. Amazing <object name="flashObj" id="ngplayer" allowfullsecreen="true" seamlesstabbing="false"...
  12. tomtucson

    Belt adjustment / pump mount

    I have spent too much time screwing around with belt tensioning on different machines. Put this in and it works like a champ - just turn a bolt. There is a bolt for each side but its not needed, you only need the one on the belt side. So it's just a piece of angle with a nut welded to it and a...
  13. tomtucson

    Electric Reel Drag

    I have a new Cox electric reel that will not unwind. Reel and motor work rolling in but there is a huge resistance to unrolling. Cox was about as helpful as a box of rocks. Anyone ever had a similar situation?
  14. tomtucson

    Relay - Motor - Switch ?

    When wiring an electric motor with a relay, which is better - Interrupt the power or ground? In this case it is a reel motor which says 35 amps on the label. Also what amp relay do you want in relation to the motor amps? When do you want to use a solenoid or something and not a relay? Thanks
  15. tomtucson

    Pressure Washer Physics

    Since Nigel's been around I thought I would open up a thread for those who enjoy physics and math to analyze pressure washer related phenomena. Todays question - How fast is the water going out the nozzle? Speed (S) x Area (A) of nozzle = Volume (V) per unit time S = V/A So this volume...
  16. tomtucson

    Cor Ten Steel not rusting

    I have a large facade of expanded steel plate and structural members that is oily and grimy and is not rusting. Is there a process to initiate the oxidation, does it need blasting? Any info appreciated.
  17. tomtucson

    Some business card ideas
  18. tomtucson

    TSA - Help Wanted

    Pretty funny. Screw em they deserve it.
  19. tomtucson

    Phoenix official orders woman to stop handing out free water

  20. tomtucson

    Colorado shooting - Doesn't add up?

    Something is missing in the story. Question: How does an unemployed medical student afford $20,000 in weapons gear? Question: Where does an unemployed, introverted medical school student get the training to deploy...